It's a Beautiful Beautiful Day

Granted, I was off my cojones when I wrote that. However, Manchester and Newcastle are pretty far apart, both geographically and in stature. It is a common fact that Newcastle have trouble attacting some players due to location.

JCD is just a great example of the level of Scotish football we talk about. I don't watch or take any time at all to look at the players, I've only seen Rangers this season because of the EURO finals where it seems any player who cannot possibly play another season in the Premiership, even at the worst clubs, will move north of the border. Examples include, David Weir and Christian Dailly. If you wanna scale through the forums of many a debate between myself and Jonny about Scotish football I think I gave an indepth analysis of each of Celtics "stars" of last year, I however, can't be arsed to find it.

I havn't got a problem with Scottish football being crap, I support Newcastle and Bournemouth, hardly startling displays from either team recently. Just have a problem with your warped, warped views.
well done to all the proper celtic fans out there. not the gloryhunting bandwagon jumping smack rats who only come on here to ruffle peoples feathers and give the club they profess to follow and their fans a bad name!!!

well said,im from a place called greenock,werei suppoet my local team greenock morton :d and see the amount of fans(not ever proper fans that go to games,or shout for them when thre doing pi*s). sickens me !