Is it Too Busy or Too Quiet / Too Many Tourists or Not Enough Tourists


Active Member
I’ve seen on a couple YouTube accounts I watch that streets look emptier than normal, especially in the week 🤷‍♂️.
Have seen pics of the ‘tourist trap’ bars in ibiza town near the port with not a soul in them. Obvs doesn't speak for the island in general but …
Have seen pics of the ‘tourist trap’ bars in ibiza town near the port with not a soul in them. Obvs doesn't speak for the island in general but …
Never been around there, tempted to have a night in the old town and sample a few of these, anywhere decent to eat that’s not gonna cost a kidney?
Hi... I have see some pics and Ibiza seems empty... Can you confirm this?

It definitely seems quieter on the island than in July. It was the same last year, although I'd say August this year seems less busy than last year.

Obviously still busy but not as insanely busy as in previous years. Friends who work in bars, restaurants, hotels, shops... all saying the same too. Sa Trinxa and Salinas beach in general on Friday afternoon was noticeably quieter than it was in June (both on Fridays & Sundays).

Another example why the current pricing structure on the island needs to change.
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It definitely seems quieter on the island than in July. It was the same last year, although I'd say August this year seems less busy than last year.

Obviously still busy but not as insanely busy as in previous years. Friends who work in bars, restaurants, hotels, shops... all saying the same too. Sa Trinxa and Salinas beach in general on Friday afternboon was noticeably quieter than it was in June (both on Fridays & Sundays).

Another example why the current pricing structure on the island needs to change.
think everyone's saying the same, my friend says his shops been noticeably quiter this year aswell in ibiza town, i would say when i was there in april for openings the whole island seemed busy as ever but will be interesting to see what September brings.
But isn't this the "plan", less people [having to] spend more? 🤷‍♂️

Thats a fair point, it had become overcrowded in July/August.

But the challenge will be that the higher end visitors are less likely to spend in the supermarkets, rent a car places, local bars that arent bottle service etc so if the change is too quick some businesses may struggle.
But isn't this the "plan", less people [having to] spend more? 🤷‍♂️

Yes definitely. The island cannot have more tourist. The enviroment is not good for more. Example : Fresh water , rubbish , traffic and so on. If they want to have the same or more money , they need people who spend more. Its easy.
And : The trouble. The one euro quality tourists have problem with violence , bad behaviour and so on. You need more police , more security , more personel at any place. The rich ones have similar probs , but you cannot see it.
The VIP culture looks like it’s totally ruining the island. Maybe it’s time for a reset
Agree 100% - more money does not mean less people.
I'm generalising a little here but caveat where you feel necessary....
It means more awful people. Look to Mykonos for a stark example of this. It's USP from a UK point of view for a long while was it was a brilliant destination for gay travellers (not only obviously) beyond it being just welcoming. It felt special. Add in the local culture and more visitors from surrounding Greek areas and you got a brilliant melting pot and something quite unique. It is HIDEOUSLY expensive now and packed with bellends.
One of Ibiza's big USPs is dance music culture, togetherness, REAL clubbing. VIP culture and more money money money chips aways at this. Horrible.
Agree 100% - more money does not mean less people.
I'm generalising a little here but caveat where you feel necessary....
It means more awful people. Look to Mykonos for a stark example of this. It's USP from a UK point of view for a long while was it was a brilliant destination for gay travellers (not only obviously) beyond it being just welcoming. It felt special. Add in the local culture and more visitors from surrounding Greek areas and you got a brilliant melting pot and something quite unique. It is HIDEOUSLY expensive now and packed with bellends.
One of Ibiza's big USPs is dance music culture, togetherness, REAL clubbing. VIP culture and more money money money chips aways at this. Horrible.

The tolerance in Ibiza is not bad. Never heard about violence against LGBT or minorities. There are other bad examples. Berlin is not so easy , I heard. In East germany they had problems to celebrate a CSD event because far right shitheads. Some dont know what they have from Ibiza
Friends of mine renting out rooms in summer are also saying it is a quieter one. They were not booked in August for the first year, and offered massive discounts.

Look, I never found anyone who wouldn't agree that the last two summers just have been too crowded. So if this season is a quieter one it'll hopefully tell everyone concerned that prices have reached their peak and they have to make Ibiza more affordable again. For the vast majority of residents on the island it is NOT helping that 5 star hotels and Hi VIP sections are fully booked. The population of Ibiza actually needs the most numbers in the lower and middle sectors of tourism, eg normal restaurants and family hotels to really profit.
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I've heard a few people compare ibiza trajectory to mykonos, but as I've never been I don't know.

The problem with higher prices is compression of people's holidays to short breaks around the weekend which doesn't help the situation.

The ibiza magic/vibe was really around more carefree experience which high prices don't help either.

I guess solutions would be to limit number and cap prices, but then you'd end up with people selling on their holiday.

Maybe like a fire it has to burn itself out for the next cycle. 🤷‍♂️
My experience : A little bit out of the season its a different Ibiza. July , August : Main time to earn money.
I've seen a few videos on tiktok with people saying the west end is dead, which I guess plays into the idea that it's the VIP lean

I'm coming for August bank holiday and was worried it'd just be awful, but the date change for radio 1 and some of the 'quieter' rumours are actually making me hopeful it won't kill it for me too much
My experience : A little bit out of the season its a different Ibiza. July , August : Main time to earn money.

I think this will evolve as climate change messes up traditional seasons. Spain as a whole had an abnormally warm autumn last year
I think this will evolve as climate change messes up traditional seasons. Spain as a whole had an abnormally warm autumn last year
ok, then October is the new September. Clubbing is a little less , but possible. For the 24 hour party people August is better , I know.