is it to much to go everyday to party(even 2 a day)?

It depends what you 'do' when you go out as well. Going out raving sober every night is not gona hit you as hard as if you were drinking a bottle of vodka every night or treating your body like a chemical experiment
There is a sensible line of partying to extremes and trying to party smart.
I always try to party smart.
My exuses if this appears as such.


It is my opinión. ...merely. I hardly doubt it.
I went for 9 days last year and only 1 nights we didn't end up partying in one of the bigger clubs, and one of those nights it was because we just came back from Ushuaia and hit the San An strip (which I'm not a massive fan of). The trick for me was just making sure I got a couple of hours sleep a day, 4-6 hours. Didn't do any island discovery or anything of that sort however.

Eg Routine:

- Wake up. Protein shake, Berocca boost, shower & get ready within an hour.
- Then went to either Bora Bora +drinks or towards the end stayed in San An and lay in the sun.
- Usually got some more food then, but I didn't eat massive amounts, likely due to the drink.
- Mambos for the sunset and more drink.
- Apartment for more drinks and shower, get ready, and off out for the night.
Just to reiterate what some others have said, this is all about how you do your clubbing and how you rest up and refuel in between.

From my own experiences this was really highlighted by the difference between my trips in 2011 and 2012. In 2011 we would return from the club about 7AM, sleep for 4-5 hours and then be up for midday, not only enjoying the sunshine, but actually feeling pretty good. At no point in that holiday did I feel burnt out. 2012 was a different story. Drinking heavily after returning from the clubs. Not always getting proper sleep. I almost KO'ed myself 2 days in.

Everyone's different of course, and one of the things that I love about Ibiza above all, is the capacity to just keep going and going where you would just crash and burn at home. There's no way I could do 7 nights on the spin at home. In Ibiza, its possible. Sun, sea air, swimming pools and good vibes save the day.