is it to much to go everyday to party(even 2 a day)?


New Member
we come to ibiza in 2 weeks fo 7 days ,
our plan is to go every day to a different party and
even go to 2 parties(ushuaia+night club).
my question: is it to much parties and if we not be tired and exhausted?
Erm... depends 100% on the individual, what you do and how you rest/eat in between. Last year, I went to a club 5 out of 7 nights.
To me it's not about what you do when you there and how many nights you do, it's do you have time for recovery. The human body is amazing in terms of what you can put it through.... but IT WILL catch up with you. 7 nights and then back the next day to a hardcore professional job is a NO. If you're a student and have the whole summer off.... Then it's different!
Three BIG nights a week with various carry on's the following day is an absolute max for me.
it's doable, but then you're literally ONLY partying and sleeping. which is fine, but in this case i'd plan a bit of island discovery for the visit after this one because you'll be missing out completely on seeing our beautiful island this time! :)
Last year I stayed 5 day made 6 party + boat party but as stivi said we dont explore island even didn't go Sant Antonio...
This year hope to explore island. .
It deppend on how can you deal with party..if you can rest after parties you will be fine.
Dont forget its not a race...
7 nights and then back the next day to a hardcore professional job is a NO. If you're a student and have the whole summer off.... Then it's different!

Especially when you hardly ever sleep the day (/usually night even for a 6am flight over there with a day flight) of travelling and with most of the idiotic British flight times home a la Monarch etc. you lose pretty much the whole of the night travelling back too - unless you live half an hour from the airport !
Personally i'd rather have 5 amazing nights where I feel well and in the mood, than stretch myself and have 7 where I start to flag by the end of the holiday.
i go to nightclubs every night and daytime parties if there are ones worth checking out.... its not a problem for me. just pace yourself and you will be fine.

as i have a long flight back from Ibiza to LA i rest up on that and work the next day. though i own my own businesses so its up to me how hard to work the first day back :)
We missed 2 nights out of 7, if you want to last the week my tip would be get home after the club and GO TO BED! Too often you having such a good time you forget to go to bed, 4pm roles round and when you pass out when you should be getting up
Certainly doable but you HAVE to sleep In between, that's what wrecks you!

This is SO true and amazing how people forget it. Without sounding patronising.... No matter what you do or if you just eat pizza for two weeks you HAVE to sleep. More important than anything else...
This is SO true and amazing how people forget it. Without sounding patronising.... No matter what you do or if you just eat pizza for two weeks you HAVE to sleep. More important than anything else...

So so true.

I find it difficult enough to sleep in Ibiza, no idea why? I even struggle on a sun lounger to grab ten minutes. Last year i made the mistake of hitting the caffeine in a big way (I don't do "drugs") which made it ten times worse.

This year I'm going there with clear head and a clean system and going to try and use sleep to its advantage!
Just got back from a four day holoday and managed 5 parties, it was shattering though and we did virtually nothing in the days. Wehn i go back September were doing 4 nights in seven days
7 days is the most. I don't care how "hard core" you are. I did it. 7 days in a row and then I slept for like 12 hrs the 8th day.
