
I quite liked the ending, actually. You understood that (attempting not to spoil it) he understood everything, but upon that knowledge acted in such a way so as to precipitate the outcome that would have happened had he not. (hope that makes sense!)

That sounds like a paragraph from Inception John! i.e makes no sense :lol:
Well I loved it when I went to see it. Should I go and see it? I'm not sure but the ending was great.


On a serious note - I really did enjoy all the multi-dimensional stuff. Appealed to my non-linear (and completely nutty) way of thinking.
I saw the movie again yesterday day and it all makes sence. After the first time I figured out something but it really needs to be seen the second time to make sure. It's actually a good sign about the movie that you want and you have to see it again. Escpecially puzzle movies like this and Mulholland drive.
I watched The Expendables last night :lol::oops:

it is very, very bad - but inadvertently quite funny

basically every action hero cliche from your yoof all rolled into one motion picture - they're all in it - every overmuscled vigilante to ever grace a cinema screen in the 80s now back, more wrinkled than ever but no less eager to prove a point to the bad guys - even Arnie has a brief cameo

the crowd in the auditorium, I sensed didn't exactly anticipate highbrow cine noir - occasional shouts of YEAH MAN! punctuated the room whenever a bad guy - usually a somalian pirate or a latino crack lord - got their head pulverised to ash

there's a few knowing one-liners 'perhaps he wants to run for President' but it's hardly a spoof in the Naked Gun mould, I would say more a last hurrah for Reagan's Heroes

fave line - when one of our heroes beats up 8 men with one fist in a basketball court, he stabs the ball and says (menacingly) "Next time, I'll deflate ALL your balls"

The Expendables, showing at a cinema near you now
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I watched The Expendables last night :lol::oops:

it is very, very bad - but inadvertently quite funny
I'm looking forward to that, especially because I expect nothing but pure unadulterated 80s action movie cheese :!:

Too bad Van Damme, Stephen Segal and Chuck Norris declined the invitation. It could have been perfect...
I'm looking forward to that, especially because I expect nothing but pure unadulterated 80s action movie cheese :!:

Too bad Van Damme, Stephen Segal and Chuck Norris declined the invitation. It could have been perfect...

not forgetting Mr T, of course.

*I can't be bothered with the new A-Team - it would be like watching the bootleg beatles or the stoned roses..
not forgetting Mr T, of course.

*I can't be bothered with the new A-Team - it would be like watching the bootleg beatles or the stoned roses..
I just watched the A-Team earlier this week. It was forgettable, as you'd expect.
not forgetting Mr T, of course.

*I can't be bothered with the new A-Team - it would be like watching the bootleg beatles or the stoned roses..

I think Le Gateaux Chocolate should've been cast as Mr T (big black tranny performer at the Downlow - anyone seen him?)