I'm worried about my 2 sons

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This is my first time in ibiza and my 2 sons are going, (15 and 17)
this is going to be my 17yo sons last holiday with us so i really dont want to be naggin at him about anything.
I am really concerned about him taking drugs in ibiza. Will he be able to get hold of drugs in ibiza? i hear the looky men sell them. how can i prevent him from taking drugs such as ecstacy.

please on reply with sensible posts. Thanks
crazycarla said:
I am really concerned about him taking drugs in ibiza. Will he be able to get hold of drugs in ibiza? i hear the looky men sell them. how can i prevent him from taking drugs such as ecstacy.

Drugs are everywhere, 'if' they're looking for it they can find it. You need to have a mother-to-son talk with your boys -- communication & converstion-- I believe the heart of this matter starts in the home.
You do have a right to be worried about your sons. They will be, especially in Ibiza, exposed to drugs such as E, K, C etc.... And to be honest, as a parent this is something you will in your own mind have to deal with.

Speaking as someone who has completely come out to their parents about their lifestyle, the best advice I can gove you is to read up on the effects of drugs (all of them) - and be cool with it. Try and discuss it openly before you go - explain that you are unhappy with the thought of your boys taking drugs, and why..... Just saying "its wrong" or "its illegal" won't do. In fact any form of prohibition trying to stop your sons from taking drugs may have the opposite effect - and they will be more curious to find out what these mystical tablets do to you. E (pills) have an amazing effect on the mind and body. To be honest, if my mmum was in better health I'd insisit she took one to feel the "benefits" of the drug.

To try and prevent your boys from taking them, purely on traditional parental lines does not really work. You have to accept that the possibilty of your sons taking drugs is real, and Ibiza is the place where it is more likely to happen from what I've judged so far.

The best way to discourage your boys from pilling is to read up and be more knowledgeable about drugs than them. which means trawling through the internet, researching on the net, asking questions, finding local drug agencies etc etc..... a good place to start is www.aromadome.com - (sorry it's gay) but to be honest its quite frank about drug use....

above all, don't make drugs a taboo subject. When I came out to my mum about being gay, I also hit her with the drugs thing. From a child's point of view, I'd much rather have a mother who is "cool" about the whole drugs thing, can cope with me on a comedown - can and will talk openly about the risks involved with drugs, and be adult about the whole thing rather than my dad (and to be honest stepdad too) for whom the subject is totally taboo.

Being mature about your kids drug taking is much more likely to result in them respecting you and your advice as a parent than flying off the handle and losing the plot over it....

And please, please, please NEVER just assume that your eldest takingone pill will lead to him being a Heroine addict... The amount of people I have come across that cannot make the distinction between DRUGS and JUNKIES is ridiculous

If you need any further advice, or want to give me a call e-mail me!!!
rob xxx
Thanks very much, i truly appreciate your replies. excellent!
Although I must add that on a holiday with his parents I cant see that he is very unlikely to want to be buying drugs. If he is ever likely to do that kind of thing at all then he will probably be a million miles from you before he does. This holiday is not going to be your major concern, but I do suggest that you do participate in that heart-to-heart chat with him. There is only so much that you can do, but at least if you have that chat you will know that you have done something.
just to put an 'adult' perspective on this, however not a parenting one, as i freely admit to knowing nothing about children......

drugs and ibiza.

i have never once seen or been offered drugs on this island. the reason is pure and simple - i only go to ibiza's nicest places, of which there are very many, far outnumbering the not so nice places.

the reason i mention this is should anybody wander onto this site, they may get the impression from the topics raised that there is very little to the island other than drugs, sex, booze, clubs and music - which is patently not the case.

there, hope that helps.
stephen said:
just to put an 'adult' perspective on this, however not a parenting one, as i freely admit to knowing nothing about children......

drugs and ibiza.

i have never once seen or been offered drugs on this island. the reason is pure and simple - i only go to ibiza's nicest places, of which there are very many, far outnumbering the not so nice places.

the reason i mention this is should anybody wander onto this site, they may get the impression from the topics raised that there is very little to the island other than drugs, sex, booze, clubs and music - which is patently not the case.

there, hope that helps.

Good point. Outwith then three main places (San Antonio, Ibiza Town and Playa Den Bossa) I didn't encounter anyone trying to push drugs. It's amazing how many different 'sides' to Ibiza there are.

to be honest your sons are more likely to try drugs for the first time at home rather than on holiday.

please dont assume that just because you are going to ibiza then they are going to be wanting to take drugs, personaly i would be more worried about them going crazy on alcohol and getting run over than i would about them taking drugs. as it seems to be accepted that teenagers drink and drink and drink untill they are paraletic.

the best thing is to have a easy chat to them expalaining your worries, and if you have brought them up ok then you should have a couple of well adjusted kids, who may dabble and try drugs one day but are clever enough to weigh up the risks of there actions.

from my experience its always the kids who were not allowed to do things, who had restrictive parents that were the worse for drugs, aclohol , sex, etc.

u can get drugs in any country of the world if u son really wants to takes drugs then he probably will just advise him about the bad points ps that is rich comin from me :lol:
Yeah you can get drugs in any country in the world but it aint like you ever get offered drugs walking through the centre of belfast is it?! they are more widely available in Ibiza and i would say that even if he does'nt do them whilst he is there, his eyes will be opened to the world of drug taking and it may make him more curious than ever. A good serious understanding talk is definately a good plan :!:
it's everywhere, and if you are concerned about this..means he's defintely gonna find some...go somewhere else ayanapa or slap him around when he gets back to the hotel room all messed up...and his holiday is over :)
that's the only thing i can think off
pacha4life said:
it's everywhere, and if you are concerned about this..means he's defintely gonna find some...go somewhere else ayanapa or slap him around when he gets back to the hotel room all messed up...and his holiday is over :)
that's the only thing i can think off

what kinda advice is that? :?