I'm there in September

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We're there 12th-26th and kicking it all off with Carl Cox's closing party @ Space! BRING IT ON!! :D

I know others are trying to organise one, but that's in June, so I think we should organise a spotlight meet and all go on a mad one! What does everyone think?

:arrow: 10th Sept to 17th Sept

San An - 2 mins from Kanya 3 mins from Mambo and a world away from home!

Can't wait to gibber nonsense on the Disco Bus....
funkyclubber said:
I know others are trying to organise one, but that's in June, so I think we should organise a spotlight meet and all go on a mad one! What does everyone think?

I'll start plopping everthing into Excel to find overlapping dates. There should probably be a couple of meetups. I'm bored during my lunch break so this will give me something to do...Stay tuned.
Ok, so that didn't take too long. Here is the breakdown of everyone going in September:

Edit: See update below. More peeps were added...
SEE YA ALL ZERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yo Mates

Will be in Isla Blanca from 14/9 to 28/9 with a whole bunch of French Party Monsters. JET Apartments in PdB area, next to Bora Bora. Would be great to meet you all. Who is in for a Spotlighters Meeting before the YOSHITOSHI Closing @ Pacha (15/9)? :twisted:
Also ready to meet before others, but this one should be my first party of the summer.
Excellent idea!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gret idea this checkup! U're excellent and I wanna know u ABSOLUTELY! Everyone here in ze list can join me to arrange meetings and TRIBAL parties. Can't wait any more to be zere!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
I'm there 31st - 4th september

all on my lonesome for definate this time.

I'll be goin to space on the thursday for lawlers viva night as it'll not be on when i first go in 2 weeks time.

If anyone one wants to meet up add me to ur msn and we'll go from there.


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