If you saw a DJ at airport or on plane would you approach them?


Active Member
Just wondering if you saw a DJ that you liked at the airport or sitting near you on a plane to/from Ibiza would you approach them and say hello?

I've met Pete Tong and Jude Jules a few times on flights and they've always been friendly. We just spotted Maya Jane Coles on our plane and she was not at all impressed when my missus said hello and asked for pic. Oops.
Last one I see was judge jules, I was with friends and family and as most of my mates are stuck in a time warp when it comes to dance music, they didn't think it was him as they thought he would be flying private jet every time he came to Ibiza. Tried to explain he prob don't even earn that sort of money anymore to afford the luxury. Anyhow they wasn't having it, so I had a bet for a quid that it was him. Approached him and asked are you judge jules or do you just look like the man. Needless to say I won my pound.

Also witnessed coxy arriving through customs, was more impressed with him jumping the long passport que lucky sod.
I saw todd terry at ibz airport last year as we were waiting for our flight home. We'd been to see him at pacha just a few hours earlier so I was keen to go and say hello and tell him how much I enjoyed his set, massive fan of his for years etc.

Then the Mrs reminded me of the state I was in and that I'd probably scare him off so I left him to it.

Todd was bopping around the clothes shops in the airport enjoying the tunes. Looking like someone who truly loves their music.
I woke Jamie Jones up on an EasyJet flight to Ibiza a few years back after I'd had one or two too many fizzy wines :lol: although if I'm honest I didn't realise he was asleep until I started talking to one of his "crew".

Don't think he was too impressed - but it's the life of a superstar DJ eh :lol:
Me and some friends were sat next to the Martinez Brothers (who im a big fan of) in Burger King in Ibiza Airport. We weren't gonna say anything even though we really wanted to but as they got up to go, my friend noticed one of them left their iPhone on the table and shouted them over, they were very grateful and suggested a few photos!
If they still actually realise theyre just another human and not a god like figure then yes depending on the circumstances.... Certainly wouldnt ask for a pic or go on hunting mode to find them though
No way. I'd respect their privacy. Well maybe if I saw Nicky Siano I'd think twice.

If I ended up in a seat beside them I'd probably ask for their used napkins to sell on eBay.
i saw shonky,dan ghenacia (a lot of parisian contacts /friends are close friends to them, it help for their private party,im not as im not a dj) djulz on same plane 1 day after dc10 closing 16, they were back to Paris of course
i just ask a pic for fun as i dont like very much their music even djluz decades :lol: and i saw him for free in Paris months ago, mind didnt changed after decades :D

ibz opening 17 Kenny dope, taking same plane for ims dalt villa 2017i ask a pic, a pity i didnt have pirate hat with me as i let it in the suitcase, i feel so anonymous without :lol:
i saw kenny dope a lot in paris even in djoon where u can ask to have a pic with the dj but u have to queeu, no way..always cool to spot dj by chance, i miss luciano pic as my cellphone die the morning b4 woomoon :mad: aug 17
I've met Pete Tong and Jude Jules a few times on flights and they've always been friendly. .

I met Tong at the carousel so made idle chat. All i said was "you playing tonight" (when he was doing Wonderland) and he said "unfortunately"...hardly gives you confidence it would be a good night and actually these DJ's that make their millions from the job they do should realise they are celeberties as such and should expect to be noticed. And, i make chit-chat with people all the time, it just so happened he was the one standing next to me at the time.
So not a DJ but my sister is the biggest Craig David fan and he was on my flight back UK a few weeks ago. Saw him when I was getting on the plane, tweeted him to see if it was ok to come and chat and he said yes!

So I got a video of him saying hey to her and saying he's excited that she was going to TS5 the next week etc etc. He just asked my name and hers and just chatted to camera - and after he'd finished we had a little chat and he was so lovely.

She basically died so I'd say that was job well done :)