If you had one night.....

My best planned day, but a true IDEAL day in Ibiza would involve meeting some character(s) in the afternoon and having day hijacked into something completely unplanned and joyful, resulting in a story I can tell for the next 10 years (aka Ibiza magic).

Ah, those times! (though not afternoon in my report below).

" Also on the schedule are less regular, more spontaneous events. Your intrepid reporter was wandering home at the early-for-Ibiza hour of 3.30am. As is the norm rather than an exception on this wonderful island, events were to unfold in a manner unplanned. Two blocks from home a jeep pulls up, a darkened window buzzes down and a friend asks where we're headed. Unimpressed with the answer given, he soon has two new passengers on board and we're on the way to the Pushca/Diamond Club (formerly Dirty Diamonds) villa party."
Arrive in the afternoon, stock up on fags and booze for back at the hotel. Have a walk round to acclimatise and have an ice cream at the little place by the church that sells delicious home made ice creams. then back to the hotel to sit by the pool and do a little networking. Go to Kumharas for a sunset and a few beers with friends and then a meal at either Es Ventall or Sa Soca. Back to the hotel to get ready for either Shine @ Eden or (back in the day) Cream @ Amnesia. Back to the hotel for beers and chill on the balcony.
As much closings has long been my favorite time of the season, right now the thought of a fresh new season with the very first parties after this awful year away from Ibiza seems much more fitting! So that being the case....

Landing early in Ibiza in the last weekend of May for the start of the new season and the first time back on my beloved island after my first year away for some time. Arrive at the airport and drive straight into Figueretes to check into the hotel and for breakfast along the promenade! After this, I would be jumping into the car/taxi and driving over to Ses Salines to spend the afternoon listening to the glorious selections of Jon at Sa Trinxa and to enjoy a nice seafood lunch and a few beers until sunset.

Back to the hotel for a quick shower up, load up on ammunition for the evening ahead and walk into Ibiza Town to La Bodega for some tapas! Follow this with a few drinks in some bars along the harbor and then a hail taxi across to Amnesia for Cocoon until it closes. Back to the hotel for a shower up, fresh clothes, an incredibly tough but necessary bite to eat and then a taxi to the after-hours....

I'll end things here because the gates to the abyss would have been well and truly been opened, the concept of time and space would be long gone and besides... we are then entering day 2 ?