If you could live anywhere in the world.........

mambobirdette said:
silvia said:
Probably for you it's not the place, but I really want to move somewhere like Ibiza, Menorca or Cabo de Gata. In my case, nothing to see with the club scene, of course, it's just that I love the mediterranean and I want to live in contact with the sea

Mallorca is nice, i wouldnt mind living in spain silv, just not Ibiza. I think its really spoiled by all the tourists now and way overatted imo. Your right though for some people its their idea of heaven but i really so pitty the people that go to the same place year after year and say that theyd even live their without going or trying any other destination.

Theres so many beautiful places out there :oops:

I agree with you but not everyone finds the same in Ibiza. For me it's all about the beaches. And I've been two times off-season and I loved it, nothing beats an Ibiza landscape in spring

And yes, move to spain and embrace the mañana life stylee and the Bank holiday's!
For me, out of the places I've been, it would be Ibiza. Everything is just so chilled out there... I wouldn't live in PDB or San An though, I'd have a nice villa up one of the mountains, and I'd buy a little puppy and take it for walks on the beach, and occasionally go to Space on a Sunday ;) 8)
House in the Bahamas, house in Ibiza, house in London, house near my family. I like to have the choice. Failing that, Flamborough, home of sea frets and fish. I'm going to have to live by the sea at some point though.
Ibiza is nice, but I think of it mostly as a party spot because I've been to places that are just much more physically beautiful.

Hawaii is just so beautiful. For my money it just doesn't get any better than Hawaii. 4,000 meter mountains rising straight up off the ocean, rainforests, coral reefs, snow-capped volcanoes, picturesque waterfalls.... etc, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I love Ibiza and I do think it's beautiful, but to spend the rest of life somewhere.... Hawaii it is.
Any place where I have my loved ones closeby would suffice. It's funny even though CA is beautiful what truly does it for me is my best friend and his family who are there for me all the time. Having their two toddlers, one of whom I have known since she was 8mths. and the other since the day he was born, run to me with hugs and kisses every time they spot me... can't ask for more.


>> ibiza landscape in spring

and in october after the rains - there are so many days in the year where you can lay your hand on your heart and say in all honesty there is nowhere in the world which is enjoying better weather than this at the moment - and i don't mean just the heat - the whole combination of sun, freshness, clarity and colours

i've never been to hawaii, so i can't compare, but it knocks mauritius and the caribbean into a cocked hat - well i do love the spanish life style as well ;-)

and don't get me started on space lol

but imo it's the weather which is so important, and i think ibiza has the most pleasant climate in europe
A nice villa anywhere in Spain would suit me.

I lived in Jersey (channel islands) for a few years, and used to suffer island fever, but I think Ibiza would be slightly more bearable :D :D :D :D
On a massive yacht sailing the world, travelling to Sydney, Ibiza, Barcelona, New York, L.A, Rio and wherever else I fancy :D
Has anyone changed their mind on where in the world they would like to live?

Only one place for us now ---> Ibiza

At a push if the island sunk into the sea and we had to move away it would be --> Bali
With lottery winnings Id like places in"
BC - Canada (winter)
London (year round)
Ibiza (summer)

I'd love to live in Amsterdam too if I knew a few ppl there
Wales or my second choice would be Ibiza, I hear Wales is full of Welsh people , So I am going to have to stay here :(,,,,,,,,

Have a good one