If you are not in your ideal job, what would it be?


Well-Known Member
After working the whole weekend yet again I asked myself the question which I have done many times before.

The only things I could sensibly come up with (discounting the usual Playboy, sex instructor dream jobs etc) were

1. International DJ - I know its corny but I would really like to be paid for something I like doing. Plus I like the travel and meeting people.

2. Landscape gardener - Just like the outdoors and creating something.

3. Some sort of job where you could help people that wanted to be helped - ?

Are my ideal jobs really what I think they are?
I would be a travel show host. I would travel the world and show house clubs, places to drink, and cheap travel/hotels for the common person/family.
rockstar pros - adoration, groupies, cocaine on tap

rockstar cons - excess adoration, overdosing, assassination attempts, being surrounded by hanger ons, never knowing who your real friends are, being constantly besmirched and slandered in the media, constantly being watched, ageing, suffering occasional writers' block, falling out with bandmates, upsetting heads of state in countries you've never heard of with lyrics that were misunderstood, never getting to see your wife/groupies kids grow up, being bitched about on twitter by people who wish they were you or who wish you were them, constantly being compared to other rockstars who were/are better looking and more talented than you, being plagiarised by inferior artists using inferior instuments who sell more than you, fading into obscurity when the Next Big Rockstar gets hyped in the NME, going deaf too early.
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a few years back, I would be seriously tempted to apply!

I think I'd actually pay you with my own money to just do this full time.

Would love a weekly report from you trailing round between Cream and DJ Sammy nights off your face.
An adventurer who lived in the most remote parts of the world, communing with nature and living off the land.

With a private jet on stand by so i can make it out with the fellas each Friday night.

Looked on Jobsite and **** all available, not even a category for "Adventurers".
rockstar pros - adoration, groupies, cocaine on tap

rockstar cons - excess adoration, overdosing, assassination attempts, being surrounded by hanger ons, never knowing who your real friends are, being constantly besmirched and slandered in the media, constantly being watched, ageing, suffering occasional writers' block, falling out with bandmates, upsetting heads of state in countries you've never heard of with lyrics that were misunderstood, never getting to see your wife/groupies kids grow up, being bitched about on twitter by people who wish they were you or who wish you were them, constantly being compared to other rockstars who were/are better looking and more talented than you, being plagiarised by inferior artists using inferior instuments who sell more than you, fading into obscurity when the Next Big Rockstar gets hyped in the NME, going deaf too early.
Don't do cocaine so it's obviously all about the adoration & groupies :lol:

I just dream of being up on stage, performing in front of crowds. And I'd love to have the time & motivation to getting better at writing songs. Travel also good.

As for all the cons, not really bothered.
I think I'd actually pay you with my own money to just do this full time.

Would love a weekly report from you trailing round between Cream and DJ Sammy nights off your face.


funnily enough I actually did some club reports a few years back for another website (which, if ever arsed, you will eventually track down on a search :oops: ) I stopped in the end, there's only so much you can say about the monotony of a night at misdemeanours.. and even the photo element was pretty restrictive 'just make sure there's no fingers-in-mouth shots'. Then sites like don'tstayin came along, and soon enough every man and his dog was a club reporter or photographer or loon pouting in every pic :rolleyes:

funnily enough I actually did some club reports a few years back for another website (which, if ever arsed, you will eventually track down on a search :oops: ) I stopped in the end, there's only so much you can say about the monotony of a night at misdemeanours.. and even the photo element was pretty restrictive 'just make sure there's no fingers-in-mouth shots'. Then sites like don'tstayin came along, and soon enough every man and his dog was a club reporter or photographer or loon pouting in every pic :rolleyes:

Links Ollster?

DSI was responsible for second person in a club getting a camera out.