Ibiza weather in September?


New Member
Is it still hot in September?

I'm thinking either late August or September, but i like it hot. What is the temp like in September.

I'm from Australia so the hotter the better.

Its nice but dont expect a great tan or anything. Not that hot when I went there last year in the middle of the month, quite dissapointning! :evil:
hot hot hot


spetember and august are always hot normally 80c to 100c a day
and in the evening still stay worm about 40 50c.
in the last week first week of august you may get some rain.
which as i nice surprise as well.
September is still hot vinylgroover, it's more usual to rain, but much more the 2nd half than the first. In this webpage you'll find it in great detail:


If you don't understand Spanish, these are the inscriptions in English (it would be useful if the webmaster of Ibiza-spotlight added it to the website). It belongs to the spanish National Institute of Meteorology and it's measured at the airport of Ibiza:

T - monthly/yearly average temperature (°C)
TM - monthly/yearly average for maximum daytime temperatures (°C)
Tm - m/y average for minimum temperatures (°C)
R - m/y average precipitation (mm)
H - average relative humidity (%)
DR - m/y average number of days with precipitation equal or higher than 1 mm.
DN m/y average number of snowy days
DT m/y average number of stormy days
DF m/y average number of misty days
DH m/y average number of days with frost
DD m/y average number of clear days
I m/y average number of sunny hours

stepen wrote for the life of me k69, i just can't fathom your posts

my mistake, i alway degrease mixed up with farenhite.

change the c to farenhite the the tempratures shoudl make some sense.
vinylgroover said:
Hmmm, thanks guys.....sounds a bit mixed. Hot but with rain. I don't want rain. Maybe late August is the time.

I have been in Sept a few times, it is still really warm but we got odd day of cloud and even a couple of random thunderstorms, it depends how much you want a suntan :P
I was there from 10th October for a week last year for the closing parties in Mambo and Savannah ( AMAZING by the way!!) and had fantastic weather. It was 80 every day.
Amnesia closing party 2001 (mid sept) pished down all day and was cold
Amnesia closing party 2002 (mid sept) glorious. spent the whole day on the beach.
Sept is a bit hit and miss as you see
Barbie said:
vinylgroover said:
Hmmm, thanks guys.....sounds a bit mixed. Hot but with rain. I don't want rain. Maybe late August is the time.

I have been in Sept a few times, it is still really warm but we got odd day of cloud and even a couple of random thunderstorms, it depends how much you want a suntan :P

Coming from Australia, a tan isn't a problem, but rain sucks. I guess the English are a little more used to partying with rain about.
Been 1st week of Sept last couple of years and the weather was perfick for us, hot enough for a tan, odd bit of rain. 2001 came out of Cream early to an almighty storm. What could be better tahn leaving the most crowded/ sweatiest club in Ibiza to be washed down by nature, it was magical.