Ibiza Warm-Ups

mrs. d.

New Member
Anyone else doing these on their home turf? Nights where you and your mates "practice" for Ibiza with club nights as the departure date grows nearer? I'd be interested in seeing what everyone's doing / who everyone's seeing before take off.

We've got two more Saturdays before Ibiza and are spending them "warming up."
This Saturday is Scumfrog; next Saturday is Junior Sanchez.

I sense Chicago realizes we're about to blast off and is supporting us well :P
Last wkend was my final warm up - DJ Gregory and Bob Sinclar @ Ministry :D

This wkend got loads of $hit to do like getting hair done, sorting stuff out, etc cos we go next Friday YAY :D
hihi Barbie, i know what you mean:
My friend is a hairdresser and i made an appointment on the 4th of August at her salon to have my hair colored, a haircut, extensions etc...so that i can look my best when going!

I always throw an Ibizaparty at the club where my husband is a resident DJ....For free we getthe first floor to ourselves and go nutts! it´s a lot of fun and the best way to warm up for sure!
Ibiza-girlie ... love the idea of taking over the club !

Gode .. I aint done much at all .. not really had the time to book stuff and only JUST managed to get in for the "waxing of the bits" ... Hair will have to do ... nails will suffice, I just wanna get out there now !
Rather that warming up for Ibiza I have just had the longest break in 3 years. I've not been out for 6 whole weeks!!

We were going to go out last weekend but then decided that we may as well wait til Ibiza next week. It's just made me even more excited about going.
I realized this morning I have to "get serious" about hauling myself to the tanning salon... At least I have my priorities in order -- if I can't make it to the gym, I better at least make it to the tanning bed. :P
With two weeks to go, I have but a short time to create the illusion that all I really do is lay on the beach all day... in Chicago... Where I had a dream it was still SNOWING!
Included in my Ibiza warm up program is also "secretly" dancing in my office with the door closed when I'm reviewing documents.
Today Sandy Rivera's "In the House" is making that possible 8)
mrs. d. said:
Today Sandy Rivera's "In the House" is making that possible 8)

That is quality CD, I got a signed copy off him when he played at Ministry :D it is definitely coming in my case with me to Ibiza :D Very summery and Ibiza :D
It's honestly making it a little difficult to keep my head in the game :D
At the same time, it's also making me the only one on my floor at work with a big stoopid grin ;)
Mrs D i agree, i looked like a maggit this morning, now im tannes and tirmmed! hihi - almost bathed in selftannig lotion + visited the tanning bed this morning.......feel great!
I remember before we went down to Miami, I did tanning sessions for ages -- up until the minute before we left. Alas, I used to live in a warmer climate, where one could just go lay out by the pool any old weekend and COOK.
When I used to smoke, I joked around with my friends that the ideal tanning bed would have drink services and be smoke friendly... Heh heh. Nothing like living for the now, eh?
Em, I still wouldn't mind the drinking bit.