Ibiza Vs Greek Islands

My last Ibiza trip, I spent almost two weeks there and have never even touched the water!!! Even smaller beaches are kind of Meh! However I won't touch Carribean clubs with a ten foot pole.
Why didn't you touch the water? are you a gremlin? i hear there are some really nice beaches in Ibiza.. i still can't wait, im off on the 1st of july for 2 weeks, and im sure i'll be at the beach most days!
i have to agree with Russian M3 dude on this one. if you want to party, obviously ibiza is the place to do it; however you CANNOT compare the beaches in the caribbean to the mediterranean, it's really apples and oranges.

btw, attacking someone's nationality using silly stereotypes is a great way to win an argument :roll:


Can I know what Mediterranean places do you know, Addicted and Russian?

THanks god there's still unspoiled places in this area, aslo it's not the same the Spanish Med with Italy, for example. Even in Spain it's far different from north to south, even in the islands it's totally different from Menorca or Mallorca to Ibiza or Formentera

BTW, have you been to Formentera? ;)
Too much partying. Just never was in the right state of mind to go swimming.

So, does it mean that you consider mediterranean dump just cos you never was in the right state to go swimming and that you consider caribean great just cos you never would put a foot in a club? is this what you mean or did I understand it wrong?

I am afraid that there is an enormous amount of inconsistancy from certain posters on both this thread and a few others recently, I can only say that if I ever considered a part of the world to be a 'dump' I wouldn't ever think about going back there again for a holiday.....
More than a little 'winding up' going on here methinks