Ibiza uncovered


New Member
Can anyone let me know where i can see a free internet video of this or where i can purchase one that can be played on a US style VCR/DVD player...been wanting to see it for years
haha...well noone ever answered me...ive been to the white ilse 3 times...just always wanted to see the documentary...ive heard mixed review about it...like anything else, some good some bad...let me judge it

It's not a documentary, it's a foiking awful reality show. All there is is drunk shirtless lads cheering for Manchester United.
i recall there being much more than that in it. it's a tv show that relied on a somewhat sensationalist viewpoint - it had to. where's the interest in watching me and the mrs going to the supermarket?
there's 2 approaches to the programme

a/ you take it for what it is - gratuitous populist titillation for armchair social anthropolgists but without ever forgetting it is a largely distorted and one-dimensional view of a spanish island's nightlife

b/ you are inspired by it and seek to emulate everything you saw on the programme and go on forums asking random strangers how easy it is to get laid

if you are a/ then well done, you have a brain
if you are b/ then you really should be incarcerated in a dusty turkish jail for 10 years on bread and water
... me and the mrs going to the supermarket ...

Can anyone let me know where i can see a free internet video of this
or where i can purchase one ... been wanting to see it for years :lol:
i recall there being much more than that in it. it's a tv show that relied on a somewhat sensationalist viewpoint - it had to. where's the interest in watching me and the mrs going to the supermarket?

And British sluts screaming their head off how much they love to party. That's all there was.
There was recently another show called Living Ibiza 08. Starring 70 year old British man acting like a diva, unknown British rockband getting wasted and a 20 year old asshole that tried to score without succeeding.

So don't even try to imply there is something else than trash in these shows. Trash targeted to young British trash that are becoming additional trash in Ibiza in the following year.
Starring 70 year old British man acting like a diva,

Aww that`s not a very nice thing to say about Alister, 70 yr old Gay/Camp/Queen acting like a twat`y Diva, would have been closer I thought,,,,,,

Did you see him trying to get onto the latest Big Brother ?

Have a good one,
WHAT ? only 55 ??
... always thought he looks still quite cool for a bloke in his 70s

He looks about 80 in this pic
