Ibiza Spotlight Calendar 2005!

Why does this matter?

As if the memories that were forged then are representes in a dj por maybe the música ir line up. The memories are things we make...people.

How we are with each other. Not how things are represented in paper. I am sorry to stand in such contrast but ....memories are private. Not public only to be shared with those whom we trust and whom we shared them with even if briefly. Even if in a moments time...in real life...not synthetically ...or so distant to be read in a message board.

I see something wrong with this but this is my point of view. Carry on.
Why does this matter?

invokes memories. Some memories get locked away in your brain and you forget about them, then something like seeing an old lineup, or a old face, brings those memories back to the surface. While you shouldn't live in the past, the past makes us who we are today so should not be forgotten about.
invokes memories. Some memories get locked away in your brain and you forget about them, then something like seeing an old lineup, or a old face, brings those memories back to the surface. While you shouldn't live in the past, the past makes us who we are today so should not be forgotten about.

lovely words
it may also help to piece together memories that I have lost due to Mr. Daniels
No doubt !

But my point is that good memories are better accessed in a real environment. Is that not why you have meet ups?

You could potentially see a person you shared something with in person. And it is much more rewarding experience.
However the momentary lapse of rekindling an instance once lived through a calendar is also an option.
Personally I rather see a person and tell them how much I missed them since I saw them at -------- party back in 2014.

Whatever makes you happier. I would be more happier sharing a good moment and seeing that person at a meet up later on. That is all. I wish I could have been at ibz circa 2005
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ha! those were the days, and where have they gone indeed! have you been able to find it on the site? was it lost with the switch last year?
after a search i think its maybe lost, still have the CD, cheesey IBIZA classics :)
No doubt !

But my point is that good memories are better accessed in a real environment. Is that not why you have meet ups?

You could potentially see a person you shared something with in person. And it is much more rewarding experience.
However the momentary lapse of rekindling an instance once lived through a calendar is also an option.
Personally I rather see a person and tell them how much I missed them since I saw them at -------- party back in 2014.

Whatever makes you happier. I would be more happier sharing a good moment and seeing that person at a meet up later on. That is all. I wish I could have been at ibz circa 2005

Like where? I can sit with my friends, a decade after something has happened, but I won't remember something we did back then because it needs a trigger for it to have those neurons reconnected in my brain. Some memories you have are with people long gone, either you drifted apart or something happened. So we should never explore them?

All i am saying is good to remember the past. But perhaps with an emphasis on making memories attached to experiences shared with people specifically. I find it more weird looking at a calendar of 2005 than perhaps looking through pictures I took at that party. But I would talk about how good the line up was back then, just not put such an emphasis on a calendar being the main point of reference for my memories but rather a tool , along with other pictures, a set of the artist , a youtube video of the night perhaps, a shirt of the club bought that night or a souvenir. Maybe you still keep in contact with a person you partied with back then. Whatever helps you rekindle good memories. I am not saying you should suppress or never explore your memories. But I think there is a more complete way about reliving good memories. Looking at a calendar is just perhaps a trigger.
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All i am saying is good to remember the past. But perhaps with an emphasis on making memories attached to experiences shared with people specifically. I find it more weird looking at a calendar of 2005 than perhaps looking through pictures I took at that party. But I would talk about how good the line up was back then, just not put such an emphasis on a calendar being the main point of reference for my memories but rather a tool , along with other pictures, a set of the artist , a youtube video of the night perhaps, a shirt of the club bought that night or a souvenir. Maybe you still keep in contact with a person you partied with back then. Whatever helps you rekindle good memories. I am not saying you should suppress or never explore your memories. But I think there is a more complete way about reliving good memories. Looking at a calendar is just perhaps a trigger.

These things you are listing to invoke a memory are not so accessible on a forum nor do they reach such a broad audience. A simple post of a calender from 10 years ago pleases lots of people with little effort. We can't always fly halfway around the world to share a moment with someone.

Also your statement of memories being private...that is absolute nonsense. If someone wants to share a memory that is their prerogative. Books are made of memories. Some memories are meant to be shared and others kept to yourself, it is your choice. But to say memories are private...seriously.

All i am saying is good to remember the past. But perhaps with an emphasis on making memories attached to experiences shared with people specifically. I find it more weird looking at a calendar of 2005 than perhaps looking through pictures I took at that party. But I would talk about how good the line up was back then, just not put such an emphasis on a calendar being the main point of reference for my memories but rather a tool , along with other pictures, a set of the artist , a youtube video of the night perhaps, a shirt of the club bought that night or a souvenir. Maybe you still keep in contact with a person you partied with back then. Whatever helps you rekindle good memories. I am not saying you should suppress or never explore your memories. But I think there is a more complete way about reliving good memories. Looking at a calendar is just perhaps a trigger.
Your either constantly stonned or you have took a bit too much acid over your time. Still always an interesting read your replies so dont stop! :D
I am just having fun.

Also I did also state youtube videos...
There is plenty of parties captured in YouTube.

Anyways.. I don't feel bad. I wanted to make an argument and I did make a point. So don't worry I don't feel bad.
You guys are pretty easy going for the most part.

And there are some memories that should be kept private. Even in memoirs written in books.
No I am not in acid. Just killing time at work. I shall move on.