
No longer active
Let me start off by saying that this was our first trip to the island and it was amazing! Mind you most places were closed, the weather was a bit chilly, but that did not stop us from having one of the greatest weekends ever!
We arrived on Friday night, our flight had been delayed so we had to run to the gate to catch our connecting flight to the island. This meant our baggage did not come with us. It did not matter though, we made it and were able to arrive on time. So we arrive at about 10:30 pm, no bags,not really presentable outfits, and I am sure we looked like hell. 3 Americans, myself and 2 female companions.
We had travelled all over London and Paris this previous week, so we were also dead tired! Anyway, we leave the airport after we claim our bags as missing. (They tell us to come back tomorrow for them) We head to our hotel in Ibiza Town by the Marina.
We stayed at "El Puerto Hotel and Apartments". Not bad, friendly staff, cheap drinks at the bar, clean, good location for winter we later learned considering what was actually open. So at about 11:30 we head out to explore the town. It is a ghost town. Nothing is open.
Our first realization that Ibiza was a special place was when we were walking around town, obiviously clueless, and a random Spanish couple approached us and asked us if we needed any help getting anywhere or finding anything. I am from Chicago, people there do not offer help of any kind. They told us that we were out too early, and that things would pick up around there in about an hour. We thanked them for their kindness, and continued exploring.
We were able to find a very tiny cantina open at about midnight near the marina. We had a beer there and were happy to find a place open and to be sitting. The music was latin house, and it got us all in the right frame of mind.
We left after our beer and decided to go see if the bar across from our hotel was open. It was called SIN, and I was very happy to find out that it was. This was my kind of place! Great electro house music, super friendly staff, and we met all sorts of cool people there! We step up to the bar, and instantly having two women with me pays off, as a gentlemen offers to buy one a drink, she informs him she is with us, and he buys us all a drink. We get to talking and he introduces me to a PR rep for Pacha that is sitting at the bar, and she puts us all on the guest list for Pacha for that night. Talk about right place, right time! Albina you are my girl! She gives us all the info on the weekend and introduces us to other really cool people!
We hang out there till about 2:30 AM and then we trek it to Pacha. Now we were planning on doing Pacha just for NYE, but we weren't going to pass on a VIP invitation.
We went and had a great time! We were in our airplane travel clothes, and didn't feel very stylish, but the crowd was very chill and casual. The music was good, light house with sexy undertones, and the crowd was consistent until about 7 am. We met more people, soaked in the ambiance and danced until close. Great first night!
We walked home as the sun was coming up, and made sure to get the pier to watch the sunrise. Now I know what Tiesto was talking about! We stayed up unitl about 10 am with some people we met at Pacha, delirious at that point. From 10:15 to 3pm we slept. We slept well, it was needed.
Andrea runs to the airport to get our bags, which they have. Hooray new clothes, contact solution, deodorant, toothbrush, and piece of mind! We decide we need food, and want paella. Arvieda is the place! Amazing food! We came in at like 4pm, and eveyone was finishing up. I didn't think they would serve us because of Siesta, but no worries, we were served and it was incredible! Highly recommend it! Mixed Paella was great and we had a tapa that was like calamari but huge and grilled! Tres Bien!
After Dinner which took us 2 and half hours we explored the town some more and took lots of pics. We got back to the hotel at like 8pm and decided to nap before we got ready to head out. We woke up at like 10, and got dressed, the hotel had loads of people checking in that night too. For some reason people were asking us what to do that night. I just kept saying Pacha, and laughing because I didn't know of anything else.
We left for Pacha El Hotel at 11:15, and arrived at 11:30. We made our way to the bar and got cozy in their ultra lounge. Very posh. Good House. Midnight came, and we had a very intimate start to the New Year. Only about 30 people were actually in the bar at that point. On a side note, I got to kiss two women at midnight. (nothing intimate)
The table behind us were popping champagne bottles, and they invited me to join them. We made more friends!!! It cannot be this easy!! One of them ends up being a London DJ trying to get residency on the island, he even gives me a cd which he called his "masterpiece". (which i never got to hear, it was in my jacket, which was stolen) We hang out with them, and then more people come and meet us, and then more people enter the bar, and then more. The place is rammed with people by 1:30. A few locals from the island sit with us keep me so in awe of their way of living and views on life. I even am approached by women I don't know, and kissed like we have known each other for years.
At like 2, i tell my crew I am ready to go to Pacha, and Q, this guy we met who is from New York but lives on the island just cracks me up saying "You don't want to blow your load that early, do you really wanna be like the rest of the tourists snapping photos right now." I laughed my ass off, and we stayed and had another bottle of champagne. I think four total, at 120 euro per, cheers Marco! Finally at 3, Q says, "Now we go." There is now 8 people in our entourage, and we had quite an amazing group of people with us.
When we get to the door, we have our tickets that we pre-ordered the night before to get in, but apparently the people I was with knew the doorman, and we could of gotten in for free! Ce la Vie! Does it really get better?! Oh yes, it does.
Walking into Pacha this time was not the same, it was not the same at all. IT WAS ****ING UNBELIEVABLE, ****ING AMAZING, ROCKING THE ****ING HOUSE!!!! Sorry for the expletives, but they are needed to emphasize my astonishment. Pacha was jumping! It was huge! It was a totally different club than on Friday night. On Friday there was just one room and the front bar open. I thought that was it. I was like, this is cool, it's intimate and a good vibe, it's a good club. I had no idea what was in store for me on Saturday! As soon as we walk in, the guys we were with that knew the place were like, "This is our meeting point if we get seperated." We walk through it to head up to the "Funky Room" and sure enough two of the group get lost. We send two down to the meeting spot and they are waiting for us. We had a good laugh over that! We surveyed the club from all views we could, soaking it in. The "Main Room" vibe was sick! It was so good! I wandered off several times just to get lost in the vibe of the room. At one point the Dj played "Big Time" by Peter Gabriel and I went crazy! I had never heard that dance mix before, and If anyone knows where I can get that it would be much appreciated.
What was so nice about Pacha is that you never felt crowded, you never had to wait long for a toilet, you could always find a seat, and there were so many options as far as music and where to hang.
This was hands down my greatest nightclub experience ever and I have partied in Chicago, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam, London, and Paris. The people were beautiful, the staff was friendly, the music was ridiculously good. We met loads more new people there, we danced our asses off, and we had a night we will never forget. I only wish I had brought my digital camera, I was afraid I would lose it. I did take a disposable, hopefully some shots came out. I have to say I love Pacha, and it is now my favorite club in the world! I can't even remember what it totally looks like in my head, because the night literally flew by! It was so much fun. Although, I need a partner to go through there with next time, everyone in my group had paired up, and I was on my own alot. I truly got to soak up the music and ambiance though!
On a down note, someone did take my suit coat. I set it on a chair in the "Funky Room", and I went to the bathroom, came back and it was gone. That sucked. I loved that coat and Chris' cd was in it. We stayed there until 7:30 am, and when we left there was a line to get in. I would of stayed longer except the girls I was with had to go home and take a beauty nap. Downside to travelling with girls...lol.
So we walked back to the hotel. I tucked the girls in, and then went and walked off my excitement down by the marina to watch the surise again. This time I brought Tiesto with me in my Ipod. Nothing like old school "Trafik" at 8am to get the day going.
I made it back to the room at 9am, had some gross orange juice at the hotel and crawled into bed between my beauties. Nice way to end the night, between two women. We all woke up a 11:45 to get ready for DC10. We had no idea where it was, just that it was adjacent to the airport. We found a taxi, and we were on our way. The taxi driver knew exactly where it was just by name, and he drove like a madman to get there. I think he was trying to make us vomit because he drove like a maniac I have never been so carsick.
When we arrived at DC10 it was 12:30. I loved where it was, it felt so secret. There were cars everywhere, and people walking around in clothes from the night before. (we had changed) We got in line, and for the first time in 2 days, we are alone again. We don't know anyone here, so when we got to the front of the line we each had to pay 25 euro. Ouch! We walk in, and there is a DJ playing a decent trance set, there are 3 bars, but it is pretty empty, I am hoping I didn't just pay for this. Then I hear the beat coming from terrace outside. AH HA, now I see, this is what we paid for!
We get outside and it is jumping! People are everywhere! All types too, so many different people all loving the house flavor! We did a once around to see if we recognized anyone, and sure enough we were approached by people from the night before. Do they ever sleep? Then we met up with Q again, our local authority and my new hero. He explained that DC10 was a totally different vibe than Pacha, but equally cool. He was right. We stayed all day. I had an Estrella Damm Beer, we stayed through 4 DJ changes, and we saw crazy people!
We loved the terrace at DC10, and will absolutely go back! People there were insane, the name CIRCOLOCO is not just a catchy name! People were out of their minds, and I loved it. My friend brought her camera there and we got some great shots! I will also say that I think we were the only Americans in the place, and we never ran into any English. We felt very "in the know" to even be there. I should of bought a t-shirt dammit.
We left DC10 when we needed food, ate, then back to our hotel and were passed out sleeping by 9pm. The girls woke up to catch the sunrise, and take loads of pics. My friend Corrie took 58 pics. She has issues. I slept in because I caught it the day before while they slept. It was now Monday.
We went shopping at about 11:30am, but wound up at the post office. (thanks corrie) Then we went and had lunch at La Marina Restaurant and Hotel. We had Paella and wine, a octopus. Good stuff! This was our final day, so after lunch we walked around soaked in the island views.
We left for the airport, missed our bus, so we had to pay a taxi. Got to the airport, and saw the "BEST AIRPORT STORE IN THE WORLD", rammed with cd's, clothing, and sexy sayings to bring back with us! I got a tee, Pacha with cherries, olive color. My friend, picked up a 93 euro hoodie, she is a baller! I made her buy the David Guetta "F@$K ME I'M FAMOUS cd. ( "We interrupt this program" starts the 2nd disc off right! When it get to Yoshimoto's "Du What U DU" I can't help but smile, that song f'ing ROCKS!! NEW ANTHEM! John Tejada's "Sweat" is baddass as well!) I picked up Pacha 3 disc set, which I love! (Automatic, Hypnotic, Erotic) Reminds me of the island everytime I listen to it.
I vowed that we would return this summer when all the big DJ talent was here. I can't even begin to comprehend that by the way. So that was our time, it went by way too fast, and I will remember it always. Anyone with any feedback would be great!

Kind Regards

Richard aka kocmoc

"Music Is The Answer"
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aww what a fab review!! it just brings back memories of my ibiza trip :) theres just something amazing about the island i cant put into words, the months after being there in the summer have been spent either recalling all the great memories or looking forward to this year. i love ibiza so much, just the atmosphere is so amazing. my friend louise was telling me the other day how she had spent ages deep in thought about whether ibiza actually existed or whether you just get taken in the aeroplane to a magical island in the middle of nowhere, like an imaginary fantasy island!! ..well im so glad you had such a great new year, get yourself back there in the summer definately!!
sounds like you had a fantastic time on the island. I am so jealous!! I had to much fun when I went in june, i could just picture everything you said. I can't wait to go back! congrats on an amazing time!

amazing review!!!! keep up the good work and when you come back in peak season you will see how it is then...HUGE! :twisted:
sounds like that special little island has seduced another group of visitors.

your descriptions/emotions/feelings about going to pacha were the same as mine the first time. in fact I still get a similar feeling now and i know the place like my own home, so many nooks and crannies to explore and get lost in.

see ya in the summer8) 8) 8)
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I know excatly that feeling. ive been last year the first time for NYE and amnesia was also open!

was underground open this year??
First time i'm reading NYE review of Ibiza, and its SUPERB!

Making me wish i will be there next NYE... :eek:
Great words and review. I can't wait to get back in June, PACHA is so amazing. I have to wait 5 month and 4 days and 2 hours until I am back to the isle not that I'm counting. LOL
Didnt realise NYE was such as big deal in Ibiza.. certainly makes you ponder about going one year.8)

Great review!
Great review! Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Shame it was so short, huh. :cry: But you scored with Pacha - btw, what were the Pacha dancers like? In August they were gorgeous!!

On a side note, I got to kiss two women at midnight.

On my side note, I got to kiss three porn stars, a male go go dancer and a school teacher who looked like Jenna Jameson at midnight. :lol:
Paris400 said:
On my side note, I got to kiss three porn stars, a male go go dancer and a school teacher who looked like Jenna Jameson at midnight. :lol:

Crikey! Good work.

Can I inquire as to the time interval between your trysts Paris?

Fantastic review:!:

Just what I need on this cold January day 8)

Getting me excited about the summer already - roll on openings in June

Dr Mick said:
Crikey! Good work.

Can I inquire as to the time interval between your trysts Paris?


The kisses happened in the first hour of the New Year. The three porn stars were from the punk rock porno site www.burningangel.com. They were just Happy New Year's kisses, nothing too erotic. I managed to snag them, though, with the three most popular stars of the site: the head Burning Angel herself, Joanna, her second in command, Kylee, and their premier stud, Tommy Pistol (who was upset that his girlfriend was around). The male stripper was a much better kiss, and in three places on his body. The school teacher turned out to be a very rich young woman (who wasn't modest about telling people of her wealthy parents) - that was my least favorite New Year's kiss. I liked the male stripper. :)
Great review. I am determined to do the NYE thing sometime, but I will have to save up for a long time as it is three flights away from Belfast at that time of year and two non-budget flights from Dublin :(