Ibiza Newbie Advice

Sorry for asking so many questions :confused: anyone know if there's a decent trance night during the week? From what I've seen they seem to start a bit later on in the year

I always have this problem, being a trance fan at heart. Tropi is definitely the place to be if you are. If you are out mid/end of season then connect is great.
Well folks landed yesterday and already in love with the place :lol: tried to make it to tropi trance bar last night bit ashamed to say didn't make it that far was on it from Sunday night and didn't make it until 10 o clock :DGona give it a crack tonight haven't bought any tickets yet is there anywhere on particular you would go to get them cheaper? Planning pacha on Thursday robin Schulz to keep the missus happy and amnesia opening on Saturday :cool:
is there anywhere on particular you would go to get them cheaper?

If you go into a Pacha shop you will get them a euro or 2 cheaper than the other outlets. Otherwise, if you go to any of the bars selling tickets, you will be able to get a "deal" if you buy a couple of drinks. It's negligible though. You won't save much if anything. But if you're gonna be stopping for a beer/cocktail anyway...