Ibiza Newbie Advice


Hello folks coming over for the first time on May 22nd for 7 days seems to be a lot of opening party's during our stay :D just wondered what clubs people rate currently thinking of doing Circo Loco on the Monday and Eden or Pacha we won't be clubbing everynight will probably keep it to 2-3 club nights over the week just trying to pick out the best nights we can
Welcome to the forum @Mozzy ! You should definitely go to DC10 and like someone else has said above best to check out who's going to be on line ups for your other nights and have the flexibility for last minute options. Have an amazing time :)
You seem to have the right idea, a bit of a plan, a few clubs you want to go to, and 3 big nights in a week is about right. Don't worry about sticking to that though, just go with the flow and you'll have a cracking holiday. Enjoy, and you'll be coming back for many years.
I'm buzzing for you pal. Clear your diary for the rest of your life cause you're about to develop an obsession! I'm over for my 11th visit 17-24th May. Ive been looking at the party calender and there's a few I want to do but going with the missis and our two mate's and they don't share the same passion of dance music as me so I've met them in middle and said I'll only go out a couple of night's. Wanted to do circo loco but don't think they could handle it so think I've decided on ants pre season warm up at ushuaia and Defected at Eden.
I am going on those dates too. I am considering Circo Loco but I do get put off by how busy the opening party is where you cant even move and get crushed. But I'm thinking perhaps if I go very late it will have emptied a little. Defected at Eden is another choice of mine and for your Pacha visit you could try Labyrinth. I'm also considering the IMS thing at Pacha as I'd like to see the black Madonna but I'm not too sure on the venue, plus Do Not Sleep is on the same night at Sankeys if you like techno that should be a good night with Alan Fitzpatrick. And I'm going to the BH Salinas Soundgarden but as its your first time in Ibiza you might like to go to Zoo project. The Dalt Vila IMS event is that week too. I've never been and not sure whether to go. Also I'd like to go to the Amnesia opening party but line-up isn't very good.... There might be the potential for a less packed Music on event that week as its pre opening party.
Dalt vila IMS on may 26th is far far away ,the event i'm very willing for,this year the line up is huge, other years were quiet poor, Mates askin to go there but ive choose Destino opening & it was not so good.
Last year was King of house nyc at Pacha for the opening, with Space opening the parties not to miss, then upon ur taste & lineup there are a lot of parties..
u didnt put ur musical taste.if u r keen on EDM, i let other people speak :D
I advise u amnesia opening too & Ushuaia opening , i wont advise Dc10 opening as i dont want people to blame me, because the place is rammy like hell from midnight, even this party is planned .
ps: Do i have to say, im sticking to my schedule & even add more events :D ,only after parties are not planned as u have to have the info/to be allowed, to get there :p
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more than recommanded, i miss this event 2 times but for 10th anniversay,they put a lot of djs & i wont miss it again .
Be there early to enjoy the Sun Sunset & the Beats.
Amnesia opening is also hardly recommanded, thign i wont recommand past years :D

u plan pacha: may 24 th u got ims party there with MAW the black Madonna
ps:i may have a gueslist one day at Pacha ,on a day you were there , but we have to talk :D
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Think IMS on the Friday is a definite just trying to switch it up over the week as much as possible I really like all genres of dance music mainly techno my girlfriend wouldn't be as interested more into the commercial side but I'm hoping to change that over the week :D
Sorry for asking so many questions :confused: anyone know if there's a decent trance night during the week? From what I've seen they seem to start a bit later on in the year