Ibiza Memories

Tres Esquinas

Active Member
After my excersion to ibiza in july, ive pretty much thought of nothing but

and my next time isnt coming round quick enough.

anyways - what do you all remember ibiza for, ... post your memories.

I just seem to remember the little things - Urinating off my balcony ... losing my towel off my balcony

dropping a pint on judgement sunday, and slicing my thumb open, ... and being in the toilets with a rep for hours.

and of course Secret garden !!
good heavens si, if those were the little things you remember, goodness only knows what the big things were!
btw i'm going to try out some of your memories for myself tonight (though not the thumb slicing one)

Like standing just down from the taxu rank - by the fountains .... me being a lazy bastard, and not being arsed to stand up, moved a chair from a resturant to sit on.

Little did i know, the resturant owner thought i was stealing it, and called the police,.... i ended up getting a right good slap ... not a punch ... a slap TWICE lol
stephen said:
good heavens si, if those were the little things you remember, goodness only knows what the big things were!
btw i'm going to try out some of your memories for myself tonight (though not the thumb slicing one)
Off to Secret Garden tonight then Stephen?
;) 8)
If urinating off your balcony was the highlight of your holiday then please go and p1ss over a different country's streets next year :rolleyes: :x
the balcony gets my vote. i'm going to see if i can hit the cats - that'll teach 'em to wake me up in a morning jumping on my bladder.
Still dodgy - I came home on Friday after after no lunch break all day and cried!! Ha ha! Then I got trashed on Saturday night!

They're taking me for a fool here!
jessyg123 said:
Still dodgy - I came home on Friday after after no lunch break all day and cried!! Ha ha! Then I got trashed on Saturday night!

They're taking me for a fool here!

That is awful, you are going to have to do something about it
I know! I'm looking for another job but in the mean time i've just got to try and stand up to him! He's out this morning i'm dreading him coming back! He rang this morning but I didn't answer the phone!!
Back to the topic lol.

Urinating off the balcony is always a highlight if your jevinile like me !!

Also, you can never beat drinking liptons ice tea, accompanied by a cheese baguet sitting on your blacony naked !! love it
Si_of_Shrews said:
Back to the topic lol.

Urinating off the balcony is always a highlight if your jevinile like me !!

Also, you can never beat drinking liptons ice tea, accompanied by a cheese baguet sitting on your blacony naked !! love it

Well I'm only a couple of years older than you and I personally would ditch any bloke who thought it hilarious to p1ss over the side of their balcony. How would you like it if a load of Spanish lads came over to Shewsbury and p1ssed all over your streets? :rolleyes:
Trust me it happens !!

Besides - i wasnt pissing onto the street, - our balcony was on floor one just above to roof of the back of the reception.

I was 18 then - thats my excuse :lol:
Beckiboo said:
Si_of_Shrews said:
Back to the topic lol.

Urinating off the balcony is always a highlight if your jevinile like me !!

Also, you can never beat drinking liptons ice tea, accompanied by a cheese baguet sitting on your blacony naked !! love it

Well I'm only a couple of years older than you and I personally would ditch any bloke who thought it hilarious to p1ss over the side of their balcony. How would you like it if a load of Spanish lads came over to Shewsbury and p1ssed all over your streets? :rolleyes:

It's standard behaviour in parts of Shrewsbury.... well Harlescott anyway!