Ibiza Honeymoon...

Hed Kandi starts at midnight and finishes at either 6 or 7 am but there will be no-one there until 1am so have a few cheap drinks in some of the bars first then head over to Es Paradis about 1ish. Buy your tickets beforehand as well, they are cheaper. Oh and don't forget the bag of Wonky :)
thanks for replies guys! Note I am totally clueless about times etc. Really worried we are gonna be knackered after getting wed the day before then flying out next day... all part of the fun Im sure though, should be able to fit a disco nap in somewhere :lol:

Its nice to see people focusing and answering peoples queries rather than pointing out their faults.

Hed Kandi starts at midnight and finishes at either 6 or 7 am but there will be no-one there until 1am so have a few cheap drinks in some of the bars first then head over to Es Paradis about 1ish. Buy your tickets beforehand as well, they are cheaper. Oh and don't forget the bag of Wonky :)

hed Kandi and wonkey? That is not a good idea! Funkylady if you read all the replies you will find that my advice is the best and I'm sure hundreds will agree! If you think you might not be getting a holiday alone for a long time then you should really do the best night on the island which is CircoLoco.... whats the point in starting from the beginning? People only do that because they don't know - which is why spotlight is here to help you avoid all the crap that people such as myself went to during their first visits - if you wasted your one and only holiday for a looonngg time going to Hed Kandi at Es Paradis it would be such a waste - and please don't think I'm pushing my tastes onto others because the music in CircoLoco is easy on the ear for anyone :)

And Andyjb butt out, nobody needs their knight in shining armour .. females can speak for themselves
Is CircoLoco on at that time of year (4th-7th June)... I thought alot of clubs might not be open around then?

not sure I've ever been on a romantic date clubbing before - I did take someone I was seeing to the shapeshifters night at AKA about 3 years back, but that was just post-work drinks, and I spent the whole time just itching to get outta the club and inta the taxi

in ibiza - I think I would prefer to do something like km5, which I guess is aimed at a more mature crowd?
I'm not sure but I think it opens at the end of May.. seriously I have no idea how old you are but I am unfortunately no longer in my 20's and where I come from Hed Kandi is for people who haven't yet reached their 20's. I would avoid Pacha because (although I don't know about this time of year) it can get very full it would spoil your night if you like to dance. I don't think DC10 is necessarily too wild for a 'beginner' it's a lot more fun than the other clubs.. If it wasn't so expensive I'd say space on Sunday and turn up early-ish but lately that night has been hit or miss - if you did get a good one it would be a great starting point if you haven't been clubbing in Ibiza before as there are so many different types of rooms to explore where you can have a dance or chill you just spend a shedload in there all that time! You can get passout tickets which let you go out and come back in once. The only reason I'm a bit reluctant to say go there is because even though it can be amazing there have been one or 2 crappy ones
thanks hauskitten.

Have been browsing DC10 on Youtube and it does look rather intriguing! Music sounds like my kinda thing ! Woo! Can you drive and park there?
The only reason we were thinking Pacha is basically so its somewhere to have a meal and a free pass in. But I can imagine it might be more of a 'showy' place? or is that the wrong impression?

DC10 looks a bit more 'anything goes' :D which is always a bonus! I cannot believe Im talking about going to DC10, totally thought after having two sprogs it would forever be a pipe dream! :)
Clubbing can be very romantic! But you both have to have the obsession with music and everything that goes with it. My bf and I had our first date in a club and second etc... we tried the cinema thing but ended up taking a pill before we went in - this is not advised

I don't know if I'm the best person to give others advice though because I'm very immature for my age :D
thanks hauskitten.

Have been browsing DC10 on Youtube and it does look rather intriguing! Music sounds like my kinda thing ! Woo! Can you drive and park there?
The only reason we were thinking Pacha is basically so its somewhere to have a meal and a free pass in. But I can imagine it might be more of a 'showy' place? or is that the wrong impression?

DC10 looks a bit more 'anything goes' :D which is always a bonus! I cannot believe Im talking about going to DC10, totally thought after having two sprogs it would forever be a pipe dream! :)

I have 2 teenagers - see we are more similar than you think and by the looks of what you just said which is basically correct I think you SHOULD go to DC10! You can take the car I think and park outside but you'd be better off getting a taxi :) you could probably get a bus to PDB from Es Cana (anyone?) that would make it cheaper. If you had the meal at Pacha and got free entry you would still end up paying more at the end of it all than if you went to DC10 and had a meal elsewhere
It would be three buses from es cana to pdb,and you will still have a couple of kilometres to do...
not really advisable.
Can you please tell that to Mr BG? I've told him it's the only club I want to do when we go in Sept but he's rather reluctant. Foolish boy.

Tell him to read this thread then I think my powers of persuasion are pretty good :D

Thanks Don how much would a taxi from Es Cana be? I really think taking a car, as doable as it ,should be the last option

.... if I had to take the car as a last resort I would park in Pdb get a taxi then the next day rot on the beach and top up my tan, drive back in the evening
Behave now Andy nobody likes a hypocrit

So your talking an extra 70 euros to not have to take the car.. I think its worth it! And it is a special time after all a honeymoon