Ibiza gossip 2024

20 anniversary, this place is just mind blowing, you add happy people and good music and you have a wonderful party , not sure Atzaro organized other parties during the season, I've never heard of it at least..
Earlier days , they had parties, if my remembering is correct. Amante had some opening and closing parties , too.
Pikes just announced Monday party doffing the cap to Manumission promoted by Andy Manumission…April 29 - Aug 19 when you would assume Harvey takes over?
Very short Amnesia season for Capriati again. I should think he could have some more great Fridays with Ibizas September crowds.
Very short Amnesia season for Capriati again. I should think he could have some more great Fridays with Ibizas September crowds.

slow build for him, deliberately so. started with 3 dates in 2022 (IIRC), then a few more last year and some more this year. to be perfectly honest, it's the most careful way to build a residency without having to worry too much that you'll be fighting for numbers all season. let's not forget it's friday night with tons of options (and a certain mr carola elsewhere for example).

also - let's not forget he normally plays lots of slots at paradise (also at amnesia) and plays a lot of guest appearances at other parties too. as long as he does both of that, he's better off not having a full season residency.
Earlier days , they had parties, if my remembering is correct. Amante had some opening and closing parties , too.
Many years ago yes , I was lucky enough to experience it but was much younger and you don’t see the things in the same way … for Amante , I went too 🙂 I think it was even before they call it amante , this place is also very special but I think now is over , was always at the end of the season there I think ..

Well more party in that kind of place would juste be amazing but well , politics here a big 😬
I remember the parties at amante, both when it was still sol den serra, but also when it was already amante. there always was one at the start of the season and one at the end, but in the end they became a victim of their own success, there were simply too many people coming and that caused problems with the neighbours, so the owners decided to stop doing them. completely understandable.
I remember the parties at amante, both when it was still sol den serra, but also when it was already amante. there always was one at the start of the season and one at the end, but in the end they became a victim of their own success, there were simply too many people coming and that caused problems with the
You will not disturb so many people there, I think.
slow build for him, deliberately so. started with 3 dates in 2022 (IIRC), then a few more last year and some more this year. to be perfectly honest, it's the most careful way to build a residency without having to worry too much that you'll be fighting for numbers all season. let's not forget it's friday night with tons of options (and a certain mr carola elsewhere for example).

I think they have nailed the build up of this IMO. Every year they keep building it year by year. Also, really glad that they running into early September...
How many nights does Harvey usually play at Pikes? I would remember that he is usually there from mid-July to the beginning of October... But has the amount always been more or less the same?
How many nights does Harvey usually play at Pikes? I would remember that he is usually there from mid-July to the beginning of October... But has the amount always been more or less the same?

He usually starts mid August and plays through to the end of September I think?