Active Member
Yeah that’s him
Really odd AF bloke.
I remember on Reddit if people were ever looking for advice, in the Ibiza subreddit, I would steer them towards this forum.
Sure as shit ‘that Ibiza Guy’ would jump straight on my comments kicking off with me.
He hated this forumso I always made a point of mentioning Ibiza Spotlight just to see how long it took to get a bite from him.
Immature as fcuk, I know, but seeing him foaming at the mouth because someone had the audacity to suggest visiting the Spotlight forum was entertaining. Was even better when the other posters cottoned on to it, and would reply things like ‘oh thanks, that forum is great’ etc
Straight up think he has some kind of personality disorder or something.
He actually popped up on my Tik Tok feed yesterday. Felt like launching my phone as far away from me as I could lol.
He’s just spewing out the same waffle he always has.
Captain Irrelevant.
Madness! I know we all like to talk about " the old days " on here and how Ibiza used to be etc but his tiktoks are next level negative right now...the most recent one entitled " Ibiza daytime disaster" - for someone who is a supposed advocate of the island he seems to be doing a decent job of putting people off of going! Oh and also according to him everyone who goes to Ibiza in august is a " bunch of idiots " ...won't mention my recent trip then LOL