ibiza gossip 2010

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the restaurant torrecilla in illa plana (in the street behind the hotels roca mar and el corso) turns into l'angolo giusto :!:

after two summers closed, victor bar in la marina turns into an art gallery :!:

as you might remember, previously known as social club (run by the people behind lo cura), atmoz and el patio.....

queen vic and mike's fish shop in es vivé will not open this summer :!:

another two bars in es vivé bite the dust and with every year that passes the area becomes more of a residential area than a tourist resort..... not a nice sight when half of places along the street are closed. and talking about disappeared bars in es vivé, the one and only paco from long-gone paco's bar sold part of his huge vinyl collection last saturday at sant jordi's mercadillo. someone should have kidnapped him before doing such a stupid thing and convinced him to reopen the bar.....

the new chill-out bar aquarious in es canar (next to the hippy market) opens next wednesday :!:


the hair and beauty salon sunshop in san antonio has been renamed as ego estudio imagen :!:

as you might remember, sister of cafe mambo, savannah, kama sushi, villa mercedes, el chiringuito, kilties, hogans, donnegans, bucanero and la cava. as announced by the proud dad, the family continues growing and a new brother is expected in a few weeks.....


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