Ibiza Flu - Any tips for avoiding!

im convinced that getting sweaty and going into the freezing cold dark room at space is the cause of ibiza flu

oh and eat your greens kidz
Barbie said:
:lol: After our last years pre-airport antics I'm surprised we even got on the plane :eek: :lol:

We nearly didn't either.... something to do with being at the boarding gate with no boarding passes.... and not a brain cell between us....:lol:

I remember the contents of bags sprawled across the departure gate floor....

Hysterical giggles of....
You've got the boarding passes...
No you've got them....
No you've the boarding passes......
No you've got them....
Look, you had them last when you were in boots
Didn't you pick them up.....
I didn''t have them.....
Everyone's looking at us....
I think they know....;)
What that you left them in Boots.... Hysterics set in....

Air stewardess - Look have either of you got a clue? Should you be flying today? (small amount of paranoia that we're not getting on the flight sets in....):eek:

Stunned silence.... followed by grovelling...pleeeeeease let us on...we're going to Ibiza (sniggers from all around departure gate) :oops: :lol:

Air stewardess - Give me you're passports, we can let you on with them!:p

5 minutes later while giggling like girls (That have also been scalded)...strapped into seats on plane....Air Stewardess approaches.....I believe you left these in Boots:oops: :lol: :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :spank: :lol:
Barbie said:
Yes it's an intensive training schedule to prepare you for Ibiza :lol: Make sure your wkends before you go extend over a minimum of 48 hours without sleep/food etc and then by the time you get to Ibiza it will seem like a walk in the park ;)

... hmnnn... so for me, ...maybe a weekend of SW4 and x central then straight off to ibiza will make it all better this time.. :)
5-htp, berocca, multivitamins, magnesium, lots of water, fruit, protein, don't eat a lot of junk..get lots of sun

you still may feel like crap, but better anyway
It was my first time but I still came back with "fluey" symptoms but I think it was worth it to be honest!! The holiday was worth coming back and feeling poo for a week!
I find resigning on the day i return to work helps me. My brain is too occupied trying to look for a new job that it forgets to be ill. Might try that again when i return in Sept. :D;)
Jinja said:
I find resigning on the day i return to work helps me. My brain is too occupied trying to look for a new job that it forgets to be ill. Might try that again when i return in Sept. :D;)
How is the job hunt going, by the way?
Morbyd said:
How is the job hunt going, by the way?
Well my company went down on bended knees and begged me stay....well that's the way i like to think it went....but seriously, they offered me a promotion and decent pay rise - so i accepted and stayed!!
Jinja said:
Well my company went down on bended knees and begged me stay....well that's the way i like to think it went....but seriously, they offered me a promotion and decent pay rise - so i accepted and stayed!!
Cool! Congratulations :D

I should probably do the same... I'm feeling underappreciated, and a bit bored!
ive taken bee pollen and bee propolis tablets before big nights out and they seem to do a god job of preventing hangovers but i dont know about ibiza flu...
There's a good reason for Ibiza flu - everyone you meet goes "what happened to you, you look like ****," which gives you the perfect excuse to give a blow by blow account of the last two weeks!
Its all too late for me... Got back on Wednesday lunchtime after 6 days of mayhem. Felt fine till I had a nice sleep... now still sitting here with a hacking cough, clumsy attitude and a hot head...

I blame the airplane air con.

--splutter-- ;)

PS: The new Space inside terrace is rather good imho.
I'm actually a bit scared to go to Ibiza after how much we smashed it up last year...

..when I got home, I was at an all time low, was too scared to sleep, didnt feel comfortable in my surroundings, and felt like jacking it all in. I had even got through about 50 5-htp in the 11 day's I was there.

Drugs are bad.....:lol:
Speaking of the legend of Ibiza Flu...

Landed in Moscow at 06:00 today. Chest cough started around 18:00!

The 20-degree drop in temperature probably didn't help...