Ibiza Flu - Any tips for avoiding!

Taffy Raver

New Member
Any tips on how to prevent the dreaded Ibiza Flu that kicks in almost as soon as your plane lands back at your respective home airports?

It is 6 yrs since I last visited and one of the most vivid things in my mind (not including all the amazing things), is spending a week in bed afterwards.

So I am calling all Ibiza regulars (ie Barbie and co) any tips, does it happen to you, if not, why not?
I felt a bit of a cold coming on about 2 days after I got back this year.

I just took a heavy dose of vitamin C every day for a week and no problems.
There is no way to aviod it unless you have a nice healthly holiday out there. From drinking and ahem other stuff it is going to break down your immune system.
ibiza flu is nothing more than pushing your body too hard, to the point at which your immune system starts to collapse.

the only advice is to find the time at some point during a 2 week holiday to eat and sleep........:eek: ;)
I was thinking of taking loads of vitamin supplements on holiday with me!

Been for a week long holiday the last two times I went and that was intense clubbing non stop!!! My logic this time was two weeks that way I would be able to have a night on and a night off the old clubs...... but looking at the calendar there is to much to do!!!!
Also, do not stand under the ice cannon in Amnesia - only one holiday out of many to Ibiza where we canned it as much but didnt go to Amnesia - and for once, no Ibiza flu....

However, I do get a bad reaction to A/C, according to the Dr its something to do with bugs that live in A/C units when they are not cleaned regularly (similar to Legionnaires Disease) so I quite often get a chest infection from airplanes or anywhere with its prolonged contact with A/C and end up on a week's course of antibiotics.....:confused:
I buy antibiotics from the chemist and start taking them at the first sign of any illness. Obviously these are useless against viral infections but I find it's secondary illness that knocks me out and these are often caused by opportunistic bacteria.
Taffy Raver said:
Any tips on how to prevent the dreaded Ibiza Flu that kicks in almost as soon as your plane lands back at your respective home airports?

It is 6 yrs since I last visited and one of the most vivid things in my mind (not including all the amazing things), is spending a week in bed afterwards.

So I am calling all Ibiza regulars (ie Barbie and co) any tips, does it happen to you, if not, why not?

I take vitamin supplements and make sure I top up my salt levels....
Apart from that - Eat sensibly & get whatever sleep you can afford (away from the fun)

Failing that - Avoid the Flu, by not coming back:D
As Sirens and Grego said there is NO such thing as Ibiza flu :spank: As long as you do your pre-Ibiza training then you'll be fine, I've never come back from Ibiza sick.
Barbie said:
NO such thing as Ibiza flu :spank: As long as you do your pre-Ibiza training then you'll be fine, I've never come back from Ibiza sick.
The phenomenon of Ibiza flu exists... it's just not a specific bug you catch in Ibiza.

You just have to take good care of yourself when you get home to get your immunity system back on track before you catch a bug.
Barbie said:
As Sirens and Grego said there is NO such thing as Ibiza flu :spank: As long as you do your pre-Ibiza training then you'll be fine, I've never come back from Ibiza sick.

Woo that sounds interesting whats that then? Is it like training for the London Marathon?

Can you post a training schedule up here for me?
Taffy Raver said:
Woo that sounds interesting whats that then? Is it like training for the London Marathon?

Can you post a training schedule up here for me?

Yes it's an intensive training schedule to prepare you for Ibiza :lol: Make sure your wkends before you go extend over a minimum of 48 hours without sleep/food etc and then by the time you get to Ibiza it will seem like a walk in the park ;)
Barbie said:
Yes it's an intensive training schedule to prepare you for Ibiza :lol: Make sure your wkends before you go extend over a minimum of 48 hours without sleep/food etc and then by the time you get to Ibiza it will seem like a walk in the park ;)

Don't forget to cane it, and make sure you have no sleep, the 36Hrs before your flight ....:lol: (Every year the same...!!)
DJNC said:
Don't forget to cane it, and make sure you have no sleep, the 36Hrs before your flight ....:lol: (Every year the same...!!)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I see you've got your pre-season training down to a tee :lol: ;)
I came back from Ibiza with a cold last September, but I'd taken the precaution of a booking a few extra days off work and spent them tucked up in bed, only emerging for lemsip and soup. Quite enjoyable really. :lol: Most people are going to feel rubbish for at least the first few days after they get back - just embrace it and don't freak out - there's always light at the end of the tunnel!
Barbie said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I see you've got your pre-season training down to a tee :lol: ;)

Highly recommended - Never fails......:lol:

*I'm not going to mention the airport fun when it all falls apart in a messy panic...I'm PMSL at last years antics....ahhh...such fun...*
DJNC said:
*I'm not going to mention the airport fun when it all falls apart in a messy panic...I'm PMSL at last years antics....ahhh...such fun...*

:lol: After our last years pre-airport antics I'm surprised we even got on the plane :eek: :lol: