Ibiza ex-pats

in other words, you're still asking the same questions, still have the same doubts, still have the ambitions.

in (more) other words, things don't look like they're changing or gonna change, unless you have a specific plan set.

in further words, change it yourself. and before you say "what about this/that/other?"......if i can do it with 2 mortgages, 2 kids, nowhere to live arranged, no job arranged, etc, etc......then it's there for the taking.


It is a very daunting thing to do, I can imagine rather scary mate. I was lucky that my parents brought me from a young age so I didnt have to make the decision. But I am a believer that you shouldnt have any regrets in life, and if you dont at least try it (Like Jam did recently) you maye well come to regret it.

You never know until you try !!

On a side, Ill be emigrating to Ibiza within the next few years (From 80 kms away) :lol:
miss boo, isn't like an annual question/thread of yours.....??

NO :spank: :lol:

I think you'll find I ask it around the same time each year, normally around Autumn when it's p1ssing it down over here and people like you are making me jealous with your tales of "oh what beach shall I go to today" :evil:

Long term I definitely don't want to live in the UK (I think). It's just a question of how to move abroad, and whether it's feasible!

I saw a TV program about a couple in their 50's who had moved to a lemon farm in the South of Spain and thought.... that is me... that is what I want to do 8) Not much how disposable income I'd get from selling lemons though :confused:

The plan is:

Learn a bit of Spanish
Do some travelling in Latin America to further bilinguality (is that a word?)
Get back
Re-assess life
Make decision
I'd love to Sophie but I have 3 kids to think about it's not fair on them going without planning properly and my g/f would never allow it :lol:
I'm gonna get a foot on the ladder sparking as it's a trade that will be used throughout my life time at least, I can run a pub and I can drive an artic lorry so I'll be multi skilled.....just not in greatly under manned jobs. When I win the lottery this all becomes irrelevant anyway I'll buy me a nice techno and a villa and won't need these worries 8)

with kids it is a totally different story... agreed. if they are quite young its not so bad. I first moved to spain when I was 3 and started in Spanish school at 7. it was hard at first but i learnt the lingo fast.

fingers crossed for you... you will get what you want in the end :)
I saw a TV program about a couple in their 50's who had moved to a lemon farm in the South of Spain and thought.... that is me... that is what I want to do 8) Not much how disposable income I'd get from selling lemons though :confused:

Yeah, when times were tough, it could make you bitter.
Becks, you and your partner have the perfect skills for moving abroad. you're just looking at it from the wrong angle.

I bet there are loads of busy accountancy firms who would outsource work to you both.

They could email it to you and you could work remotely from your finca or where ever :lol:

I don't know what type of accoutnancy work you do, but i know a bit about the trade (I employ a full time Accountant and three AAT staff as well as using a bigger firm to do my audited accounts). I see the external accountant about four times a year and the rest they email to me.

You could start it off in the UK and when it gets busy enough and you've built a few loyal client relationships, move to ibiza. you could then look at picking up soem local work too.

Maybe your current employer woudl consider giving you a some work too?

I think you're ideally placed to do it!
becks, the reality is you're unlikely to walk into an accounting job in ibiza, but think laterally, there are hundreds of jobs in the music business or tourist business were your skills and training would be relevant.

it might not be straight out accounting or making most use of your skills, but let's face it, why would you wanna do that anyway.

one thing for sure in ibiza is that skills like yours would make you stand out as a serious person/employee, even if accountancy only made up a small part of the job. even for spotlight i can think of jobs that you'd be ideal for as the business expands and thinking of how some of the clubs and parties are run too, there are possibilities.

message me.
really loving this thread...hundreds of jobs you say grego?im not an accountant ,but looking at relocating too.
in other words, you're still asking the same questions, still have the same doubts, still have the ambitions.

in (more) other words, things don't look like they're changing or gonna change, unless you have a specific plan set.

in further words, change it yourself. and before you say "what about this/that/other?"......if i can do it with 2 mortgages, 2 kids, nowhere to live arranged, no job arranged, etc, etc......then it's there for the taking.


I have to say Grego, I am very envious of your life there now. You must be very pleased with how it has turned out.
Mark - I'm chartered to do business accounting not personal so I don't think I could submit people's accounts. But I could definitely freelance for small businesses I guess.

Grego - Yep the aim is definitely not to be a proper accountant all my life (dead boring) but rather use the skills I have already in a different type of role. Message en route ;)
I do not think you would have much problem finding work in some kind of "number crunching" :D or similar, There is a lot of it to be done,,,,
What you may also want to think about is when you work and how, The below is not much different either employed or freelancing, unless you can get a rare all year round contract. (Work ya guts out Summer, chill winter)

"Employed work" EG in your case maybe something like Ibiza Rocks/Clubs etc, A lot of them you will be expected to work 6 + days a week, Sometimes 14+ hrs a day for 5 ish months, Pay is reasonable, Perks can be very nice and as you work so many hours, You can not spend anything, Come end of September, You become ( thankfully by then) UN-Employed, Sleep for a week, then Chill til May,
Whilst it is harsh in mid August the main point of the above is the "Chill till May" bit on the end :D Along with a lot of other people you have nothing to do but "Chill" Usually involving sitting on deserted beaches, (some with chiringeto open) Partying for days (Who cares what time it is ?, I have work in err 4 months :D) Swimming in the sea @ Christmas (Or out in one of the many "spare" boats) And generally enjoying all Ibiza has to offer as a "Resi"

Have a good one
so is there a particular place to look for work,or is it a case of doing what many others do and just simply 'cold call' on companies?