Ibiza drug raid

So... let me get this straight.
You think Ibiza authorities should spend less time & resources shutting down THE MAFIA?!

I am saying that to avoid the deaths of people who dont use the drug properly(which seems to be the common theme) they could spend a bit on making these kids aware of what they are doing and a few friendly reminders of what not to do and over do it. I know its not sensible on a lot of levels but I do think it will stop people abusing the drugs and causing themself injury or worse death. Are the english who sell drugs out there part of this MAFIA? I have come across more english selling drugs then spanish german italian etc. Only the africans seem to make it more available. I dont know how this stands for the whole Island though obviously, but it Amsterdam drugs are illegal and a blind eye is turned in one area and everywhere else it stays banned and I think it worked well when I went.
Are the english who sell drugs out there part of this MAFIA?
Well, no, of course not. I was referring to the Italian Mafia-linked drug ring also busted this week.
The English should get a free pass and an informative pamphlet.
Well, the reason criminals turn to prohibited items, is because there is more money to be made then by selling legal items, and involves less work.

Black markets for such items will always exist, legal or not. But, when they are legal, those black markets tend to be smaller. I doubt the kind of money they used to make of of prohibition can be made now with a liquor store every x feet in america.

Why buy from Mr X on the street corner, and take the risk of drinking something that could not even be what you thought it was, when you can go down to a Weatherspoons, and know exactly what you are buying?

The thing with the states, is that those empires went from one banned substance to another. As black markets go, I do believe drugs is the biggest (either that, or Arms trade).

At the end of the day, however, there will always be new ways to make money out of people, new ways to con people. Once the criminal empires based around drugs go, something else will fill the power vacuum.
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What is all this about the Mafia? My first year in Ibiza this year and heard the word Mafia loads of times! Heard alsorts of stories about what they do etc but can anyone tell me if it is true and what there aim is? Like i said i know what the Mafia is but i have heard that many stories as to what they get upto on the island i just think alot of it is bull! Serious replies only please.
Well, no, of course not. I was referring to the Italian Mafia-linked drug ring also busted this week.
The English should get a free pass and an informative pamphlet.
If they were Italian as opposed to Sicilian then they were Comorrha, not Mafia. The Comorrha operate mainly out of Rome, Naples and Florence. Sorry to split hairs :lol:
What is all this about the Mafia? My first year in Ibiza this year and heard the word Mafia loads of times! Heard alsorts of stories about what they do etc but can anyone tell me if it is true and what there aim is? Like i said i know what the Mafia is but i have heard that many stories as to what they get upto on the island i just think alot of it is bull! Serious replies only please.

I believe they steal your wife and put her in their brothel while send you on flights to Italy and back with 6kg of cocaine strapped to your body with gaffa tape(sorry couldn't resist)
If you're being serious then you won't see any mafia, at least you wouldn't notice them anyway just go and have a good time and don't get too friendly with any Italians and you should be fine :)
What is all this about the Mafia? My first year in Ibiza this year and heard the word Mafia loads of times! Heard alsorts of stories about what they do etc but can anyone tell me if it is true and what there aim is? Like i said i know what the Mafia is but i have heard that many stories as to what they get upto on the island i just think alot of it is bull! Serious replies only please.

The Mafia/Comorrha/whoever seek to exploit the black market values of ilicit goods wherever there is a large or steady market for them. Drugs are relatively easy to produce and generate vast profits at each point of sale for example if it cost 20 quid to produce 100 pills and they were sold on to a wholesaler for 100 quid then the wholesaler knocks them out to a dealer for 150 quid who then knocks them out to Johnny Muntedhead for 3 quid a pop there are profits to be made all down the line. If the 'Mafia' controls the manufacturers, wholesalers and dealers their profits are vast particularly in a ready market such as a season in Ibiza. There are quite posibly hundreds of millions to be made every year in Ibiza and that's not including the munted punters who get ripped off!
Just got back and it was as easy as ever if you wanted to get anything.

We were really surprised by the amount of random car checks in the roundabouts by the Guardia on certain days, I think it was Thursday in particular.

You have been warned!