Ibiza Clubbing Footwear Question for the Girlies!!


New Member
hey, need some help and advice here!

Heading to the white isle on Saturday, im an ibiza virgin, and have some heavy partying/clubbing planned!

one problem: appropriate shoes!
clubbing here at home i can hold myself perfectly on a 5inch pair of platforms all night long (though upon leaving a club usually sling my shoes under my arm and either a: dodge broken glass on the pavement, or b: get carted around on my boyfrends back!)

however considering clubbing in ibiza is markedly different to back home, there doesnt appear to be as many seated areas in clubs, and its gona be marathon sessions for dancing hours on end this is where i need the help - what kinda shoes should i wear to which club nights? flip flops, wedges or full on platform ankle-breakers (my usual clubbing choice as it matches my very dressy outfits i wear back home)

if i go to we love on sunday im planning to go to borabora first and probably will be left my apartment from around 4pm, using a passout for some chillout time and then returning to space all night/morning til my body can handle no more, so what kind of get-up should i be dressed in so that i can blend in and be comfortable for the whole session!?

sorry for rambling! im just a fashion conscious gal, bought so many clothes for going away & dont wana get it wrong! :oops:

if any girls have any tips or tricks with anything to do with clubbing please put them out there!!
You must go for comfort over style when it comes to shoes - obviously if you can do both, great. I have destroyed my feet so many times in Ibiza clubs !! I have a couple of trusty pairs that are very well broken in and get worn over and over - generally binned at end of season or holiday ! You will get trodden on and and your shoes get filthy so don't spend a fortune, unless you plan to stand in a corner in Pacha.

As few clothes as possible generally, depending on your comfort zone with exposure. Anything goes in Ibiza, but very short and sparkly always works. I have a selection of things that only ever get worn in clubs out there, just not appropriate elsewhere...!

Be brave, have fun with your outfits and trust me, break in the most comfortable shoes you can find that look OK.

thanks HDR! a girl just needs to know these things!

anyone got any tips for We Love on Sunday? i presume this night is more casual coz its a more daytme to nitetime vibe??:roll:

Have a read of this thread, I'd personally take a mix of shoes, you sound like a gal that can handle her heels so it's always nice to glam up for some nights, but then on others you could wear gladiators, ballet pumps, flip flops etc. There are plenty of places to sit down in most of the big clubs so that shouldn't be a problem. have a great time! x
flip flops I have worn, but every single Ibiza night out I see someone walking around the club with their foot in a bloody mess because they stepped in some glass. Still I have takent he risks and done it.

I also have one pair of sandals with a little heel and a covered shoe with a heel and then another pair of sandal heels that I will eb taking.

I also have another pair of sensible shoes that that I take but almost never wear.
I would say DONT wear flip flops, coz you will definitely get little shards of glass in your feet.

A nice pair of ballet pumps will do, so no worrying about cut tootsies.