The 2008 adventures of Scott Bradshaw and his fiancee Marju Rebo
were documented on the UK Living TV programme Ibiza.
Now the couple, of Birch Hill, Onchan, are set for their return to the White Isle
and have much bigger plans for this summer
... when he went to Ibiza ... last year –
in a van which doubled as their living accommodation and contained DJ equipment –
it was an experience like no other.
Scott had learnt to DJ at home while going through a divorce
and dreamt of going to Ibiza for a season ...
They headed to Ibiza and threw Villa parties from the van,
living an idyllic life in the sun.
The couple were soon discovered by UK Living who filmed their story over 15 days
and, due to the publicity they received, they are now heading back with bigger plans
under The After Party (TAP) banner –
but without their now infamous van which they have decided to sell.
The plans we have are bigger than the van.
The (old van] is not very mobile round San Antonio on single-track roads.
'This year is really exciting.
What started off as a bit of a joke, a bit of an adventure,
has turned into a really serious business.
'Because of the TV programme we have had some amazing feedback.
We thought it would be stupid not to go back and do something again.
'We are going to be doing Villa parties again, but music laws prevent you
from playing music after midnight in Ibiza so I have ordered 30 sets of wireless
headphones so people can dance around without upsetting the neighbours.
We are also doing boat parties ...
ibizaAFTERPARTYvan 2008:
ibizaAFTERPARTYvan 2009: