Ibiza bodies

Iv lost a stone doing slimming world after seeing my 2013 ibiza pics :lol:
If I can loose another stone before September il be the same weight I was in ibiza 2012 which I was happy with lol busy with uni work at the moment so stuffing my face like you, Oniontears, but been doing kettlebell workouts in the house and will start swimming every week again in May :D
It is my first time to Ibiza this year, going for my stag do - have done glastbonbury a gazillion times. My theory is that if you are fit and healthy it will allow your body to take the battering that it is inevitably going to get. So my plan is get fit, lean and trim, just so that I can endure many late nights a lot better. Training for it like a marathon!
Iv lost a stone doing slimming world after seeing my 2013 ibiza pics :lol:
If I can loose another stone before September il be the same weight I was in ibiza 2012 which I was happy with lol busy with uni work at the moment so stuffing my face like you, Oniontears, but been doing kettlebell workouts in the house and will start swimming every week again in May :D

It's frustrating isn't it Linzi. I've been going to the gym, but it's been sidelined whilst I finished coursework. Hoping to get back tot he gym in next week of so and get my eating back on track.
I've never been body confident, even when I was tiny. So I'm never going to be one of those girls who just cuts about in a bikini. Would just like to keep off that half stone I put on every year around finals.
^ Its hard to lose weight if you are a little bit stressed with other things.
Strong is the new skinny.
Business and Management. Just finished all my teaching, just got my dissertation to hand in next week.
Still have exams in May but once this dissertation is in, I feel like I can start planning my trip to ibiza.
Hopefully celebrate passing. If not, it's a good place to commiserate.
True. Good luck.
Bit of a cliche thing to say but I imagine most people in Ibiza don't particularly care how you look.. I think people get in shape more for their Twitter pictures rather than the holiday itself
Tbh during London fashion week I was given a card from an armarni rep, he offered me free clothes which means he either thought I dressed really badly or they are looking for the slightly podgy rugged look, still got the card.
Tbh during London fashion week I was given a card from an armarni rep, he offered me free clothes which means he either thought I dressed really badly or they are looking for the slightly podgy rugged look, still got the card.

Or he wanted to do the no-pants dance with you!! :twisted: