Ibiza 2009 - THE ZOO PROJECT - Samstags


wie sieht's eigentlich im September aus? Habe gesehen die Daten reichen nur bis zum 05.09. Wir wären am 12.09. gerne inkl. Boatsparty dabei ;)
eine der besten partys auf der insel so far ...

meine freunde, gäste und ich selbst schauen eigentlich wöchentlich vorbei.

*thumbs up*
wow das is schoen zu hoeren freun uns immer wennst kommst :D

@ marsellus

kann schon passieren das das Boat mal voll ist, Tickets sind limitiert, am besten sobald ihr da seid die Tickets bei mir abholen (oder wir treffen uns wo), dann sind eure Plaetze gesichert!

mail an milou@thezooproject.com oder +34/605293954

Unsere Plaene sind mal bis 5. September fixiert! Aber so wie ich uns kenne lassen wir uns fuer danach noch was im kleineren Rahmen einfallen ;)
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@ marsellus

kann schon passieren das das Boat mal voll ist, Tickets sind limitiert, am besten sobald ihr da seid die Tickets bei mir abholen (oder wir treffen uns wo), dann sind eure Plaetze gesichert!

mail an milou@thezooproject.com oder +34/605293954

So machen wir das dann:)
Wir sind insgesamt 9 Leute aus dem hohen Norden Deutschlands...
Ich meld mich bei Dir wenn wir unten sind und dann wäre ein Treffen cool! Lade dich dann auch auf nen Cocktail ein:)
milou;1293022 Unsere Plaene sind mal bis 5. September fixiert! Aber so wie ich uns kenne lassen wir uns fuer danach noch was im kleineren Rahmen einfallen ;)[/QUOTE said:
Na dann besteht ja noch Hoffnung 8)
du solltest die Flyer, falls möglich, vielleicht mal etwas eher reinstellen :roll:

könnte sein das es den ein oder anderen interessiert BEVOR er auf der Insel ist 8)
zumindest ich verbringe meinen Urlaub nicht im Internetcafe

wie siehts eigentlich mit einer after-party aus, gings es letzten samstag nach 12 noch im bunker weiter ? um 12 sassen einige leute davor, er war aber zu

habe gehoert, im underground soll es eine mehr oder wenige inoffizielle after-party geben, lohnt es sich direkt um 12 ins underground zu fahren ?
Afterparty gibts morgen wieder nach Channel Zoo, aber nicht im Zoo sondern in einer secret Location, wer da drauf Lust hat frueh kommen und nach Wristbands Ausschau halten. Fuers Closing diesen Samstag ist keine mehr geplant.
nächste Woche...

ich frag' halt nochmal :oops: wie sieht's nächste Woche aus Mittwoch/Samstag? Gibt's was im kleineren Rahmen? Wäre toll sonst verpasse ich dieses Jahr doch glatt eine der besten Parties :evil:
noch ein bisschen Geduld bitte 8)

Bloody hell time really does fly when you’re having fun! After just over three months of fiery parties up in the Ibiza hills, it’s already time for Tobi Neumann to curate what is historically the best party of the season – The Zoo Project closing party.

Saturdays have been buzzing to the beat of underground house and techno heroes all season. Friendships have been made, inhibitions have been lost, dancing has been done and people have come together in an audio-visual haven amongst the seal pit-cum-pool, the rattling old animal cages and the luscious flora of the abandoned zoo. You have one last chance to be a part of what has been an unforgettable club, so don’t hang about.

Soundtracking this final blowout is Tobi Neumann, a man for whom playing at the world’s best parties is second nature. After making a name for himself as a producer of commercial jingles and movie soundtracks, he got infected with the techno bug at Berlin’s Love Parade in ‘95, has since produced for, and been signed by, Cocoon, and is a shoe-in to weave the kind of set which and any underground head will lap up.

As well as that you can expect the unexpected from The Minx FX who’ll stimulate your senses with their acrobatic cats, their fire breathing and their body painting antics. So, too, can you get down to the various electronic textures offered by season long residents Defex, Michael James, Federico Grazzini, Milou, Jonathan Tena, JeanCedric, Clint Lee, Lady Ka, Funk E, Nic & Kaleb, Robert James with futuristic visuals from FR4M3.

And, with the end of the 2009 closing party, what has been another essential season at the Zoo will draw to close, whilst discussions will undoubtedly turn to next year...
Saturday, 12th September, 4pm - Midnight | The Zoo Project Presents...Urban Art Forms Festival!

"...the Animal Migration...ONE OFF SPECIAL"

After an amazing Grande Finale to the Zoo Project Saturdays, the animals have teamed up with Europe's Leading Audiovisual Electronic Music Festival URBAN ART FORMS, based in Austria, for an off the cuff gathering! Famous for their 25,000+ music showcases in mainland europe we can think of no better group of amigos to bring in for a one off party!

Long term friends of the Zoo and infamous DC10 residents, System of Survival take to the decks with the Urban Artforms DJ's and Zoo Project residents... and we present a much anticipated special live performance from Lorenzo Chiabotti!

Get down early September warriors to avoid dissapointment, the venue was full and doors shut at 9.00pm on Saturday!

Lion up:

Underground | Deephouse | Techno @ Sealpit & Pool Arena

Special guests:
System of Survival (DC10)

Claudio Ricci (UAF)
Clint Lee (Zoo Project)
Defex (Zoo Project)
Federico Grazzini (Zoo Project)
Lorenzo Chiabotti - Live (Vinyl Club)
Michael James (Zoo Project)
Milou (Zoo Project)
Nic & Kaleb (Zoo Project)
Philipp Straub (UAF)

Artistic Performance:
The MinxFX & Giulia Reina!

Live visuals:

Drum & Bass hosted by Futurebeatz (Flex | Vienna) @ Animal Hospital

Body & Soul (UAF)
Fourward (UAF)
Snitch Bros (UAF)
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The Zoo Loves You !!!

2009 has really been an incredible year for The Zoo team, and we want to say a massive THANK YOU to all of you who helped to make it so special.

Throughout the winter the Zoo Project held events all over the world, taking a bit of Zoo madness to various corners of the globe, from Italy to Thailand, the UK, France and Uruguay. Increasing our family on these travels we started our season in Ibiza with a mix of excitement and anticipation wondering if with the current local and international climate we would ever be able to top the amazing season of 2008.

Unbelievably the 2009 season blew us away. With two weekly events The Zoo team took a lot on this year, yet with a combination of hard graft and magic supplied from our crowd and the island, each of our parties reached next level. A far cry from our humble beginnings as a workers party, the Zoo has now established itself as a major party. The family has grown, yet the original spirit of craziness, spontaneity and animal madness that gave the zoo its original magic remains. THIS MAGIC HAS COME FROM YOU, so thank you everybody for making each and every one of our parties so much fun.

BIG Zoo love & see you soon !!!!

Look out for special one off events at the Zoo in Ibiza and near you throughout the winter.