I take back what I said about Orange Customer Service....


Active Member
I am absolutely fuming once again with Orange, I did praise them a few weeks back but now I am SO angry :spank:

I have the Samsung G600, had it 2 weeks now from brand new. Not had a problem with it apart from the camera is not great but hey with the trouble I have had with phones recently I dont care. Anyway since Sat I have not been able to hear anyone when making or receiving calls.

I can answer calls, they can hear me, I cant hear them. And the same for making calls - I just cant hear anything.

When I ordered this phone I wanted it in purple but they sent me black - I thought it doesnt matter a phone is a phone after all and I had no phone up until that point.

I phone up today, after a bit of trial and error they cant work out what is wrong with it so agree it needs to be replaced.

All black ones out of stock - but hey there is purple. She says she will check if she can send me a different colour and calls me back.

Calls me back - your not allowed purple it says in the clause/contract/whatever you have to have the same colour. Its been out of stock for 11 days so you may be waiting a while...

So in the meantime I am meant to not be able to use my phone? Pay linerental on a phone that I cant use or hear anyone on? All because I am not allowed a replacement that happens to be purple WHICH I WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

I am so god dam annoyed it is untrue.

I called again to moan and spoke to the most sarcastic bloke going.

They keep wanting me to sign up for a different Samsung which I DONT WANT!!!!!

FFS :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :spank: :spank: :spank:

I have never had so much trouble with phones in my life.

Any phone you get these days may have probs. mine keeps unmounting the 8GB flash drive from time to time.

Cant be arsed to call India to get the prob sorted cos i know it wont be. so long as i can make calls/watch porn i'll keep it for another 12 months until upgrade time.
I know they have problems but how am I meant to keep a phone for 12 months that I cant make calls on? Isnt that the point of a phone? :roll::lol:
I know they have problems but how am I meant to keep a phone for 12 months that I cant make calls on? Isnt that the point of a phone? :roll::lol:

have u not got yr old phone u can use for the time being while this "new" one is being sorted out?

ALWAYS KEEP AN OLD PHONE - just in case ;)
i don't know about orange but vodafone's customer service is more than superb...why don't you try changing???

I am tempted to. I am just so frustrated that they just want me to be a yes person and just say I will take the other phone when I dont want it.