How's Your Year Been? (2015)

You've got two beautiful lads there Buckley, glad to hear tommy is improving all the time. A friends lad has Autism and he has come on leaps and bounds in the past year,as i dont see him that often I have been astonished with his progress when I do see him.
Ive had a sh*t year, cant wait to see the back of it. Missus had two miscarriages (one IVF, on her birthday , second natural , the day we moved out of our house) . Hoping 2016 is better but fearing it will just be the same to be honest.

On a brighter note I hope everyone has a great 2016:)

Liked to thank you, not your sad news. I wish you the very best of luck. I hope 2016 bring your hopes to fruition.
Buckers - that was a sad read mate. Goes without saying that Jen and I send our love from the north.

To try and put a more positive spin on the thread - my year has been great. Life changing wuld some it up well. The reason for that would be the little hero that arrived 3 months ago. Thomas has become everything in our lives now! he is great and even the substantial lack of sleep hasnt been too bad ( i knew all them nights of staying up all night after nightclubs would come in handy some day!!)

Other news, work is going well (was promoted this this year), the club night is going stupidly well and Everton are doing ok this season!

Thanks Si. I'm glad it's going well with 'Onemore onemore' as he should be known. Kids are the best, aren't they?!. /old
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Great thread, really nice to read so many honest posts and also a chance to reflect on the past year.

My year has flown by if I'm honest. left my old job in Jan and started a new one in May and so far so good, really enjoying it. I have been lucky enough to travel quite a lot, I've squeezed in Berlin, Japan, Madrid, Ibiza twice - once out of season in late April which was absolutely beautiful - highly recommend going out of season! In May I got married in Ibiza and I can honestly say it was one of the best days of my life - all my closest friends and loved ones in a perfect setting!

I've been to plenty of good parties and had more time to play records in my bedroom! 2016 looking good as well already a fair few trips planned, just going to go with the flow and hopefully things will continue to be as good as this year has been!
An early go at this one this year...[snip]

Ah mate, that post almost brought me to tears.
I'm so glad things seem to be improving mate, I really am. Upward trajectory from here on out for you.

My own...
Reading back into my 2013 post. Amazing how far you can come in a year, let alone two. My ex girlfriend delivered the biggest derailment of my life in 2013, and I think I've handled it better than I ever thought possible.
From the darkest depths of that year to what has been the best year of my life (said that about 2014, and 2015 blew 2014 out of the water).

The Good:
My first full year in London since 2010 and leaving uni.
My DJ career starting to pick up pace (played for Godskitchen, Goodgreef, The Gallery, and numerous others this year).
Transcend has hit new heights and is about to celebrate it's third birthday.
Moving out of my previous house in Earl's Court August into a house with friends in Victoria. I've never had the experience of living in a social flat before. I love it.
Trips Away (Amsterdam twice, Prague twice, Hamburg once, Ibiza once)
Developed some incredible friendships and met my girlfriend.

The Bad:
Moving has drained almost £300 pcm extra from wages, struggling for money every month at the moment.
Hi Buckley/Puppylover et al

Noticed this thread during my infrequent visits.

Sorry to hear your sad news Buckley and really hope Tommy comes on well - you should be very proud of yourself and am sure you make an amazing father.

So for me ......

Starting with the downs:

- I lost my mum to a very long period of suffering with a low grade brain tumour back in May. We thought for a long time, she would be ok for at least a few more years but sadly the tumour became more aggressive and lost her battle aged only 64 (a very young 64 at that). We had to move her into a nursing home for the last 18 months which was one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with emotionally. Me and Ange visited her at least 2/3 times a week and it was heartbreaking - especially leaving saying bye each time knowing we couldn't help her but at least we were at peace knowing she was safe and very well looked after. Unfortunately my pig of a father gave up on her when she started getting bad and eventually got it together with another woman (my mum's best friend!!) and has totally disowned all his family and we never see him. He doesn't even care to see his 2 beautiful grandchildren of my brothers. So in essence, in one foul swoop, we lost both parents. On the plus side, this horrible situation has really helped bring a wider circle of family/friends together who have gradually drifted away a little over the years.

Downs to ups:

- I seem to be doing really well following my back surgery I had almost a year ago to the day (bulging disc). The first couple of weeks after surgery was a living hell but gradually improved. This was made even worse by not being able to see mum knowing she could pass at any time


- Nothing too exciting really apart from my new business doing phenomenally well which has enabled the wife to pack up work (to walk the doggies and generally be a great housewife lol) and just be able to enjoy life without the financial burdens.

I firmly believe the loss of my mother (and father) has given me even more strength and determination to work even harder and achieve what makes us happy.

Hope you all have a wonderful christmas and a very happy new year.
My least favourite saying is 'everything happens for a reason'. Sometimes life throws up challenges for no reason at all , they just happen. Buckley that was emotional reading and i wish you , tommy and all your family the very best for the year ahead.

Me its been up and down. Breaking up with my girlfriend was both very sad but if it hadn't happened then it would have happened another time so ultimately the right thing to do.
I bought a flat with my brother which has been a massive learning curve / growing up experience which has been great.
Ive taken a full time job/contract starting in january after 5 years of freelancing which feels good at this stage in my life.
Clubbing has really not been high on my agenda this year , just haven't really missed it but musical highlight of the year without question was a very hot and sunny Glastonbury! the most fun ive had in a lonnng time!

Finding out my friends survived the earthquake in nepal was a massive relief , they were seconds away from being crushed to death in their house but made it out just in time. Really happy they are still alive.

Fitness has taken a real dive , the stress/process of buying the flat really took over everything and now its sorted I haven't bounced back , yet.

All in all i think more positives than negatives this year but hoping next year get abit more into gear and move forward with a few things
Hi Buckley/Puppylover et al.

Hello mate, seems like a long time since we met at Sundays@Space and had a mid session break for drinks at Es Vive.

Very sorry to hear about your Mum (and your Dad). Strength to you big guy. And thank you for your kind words.
Some very powerful stories on this forum and I feel very humbled. Well done on everyone coming through the pain there will be better times ahead.

2015 - My first child, moving house and learning to drive. 3 massive life experiences actually hoping for a quiet 2016. Although if I do make it back to Ibiza next year it will be quite tough to beat this years best trip!
Hello mate, seems like a long time since we met at Sundays@Space and had a mid session break for drinks at Es Vive.

Very sorry to hear about your Mum (and your Dad). Strength to you big guy. And thank you for your kind words.

You're welcome and yes it does seem a long time ago now! We still chuckle about earlier that day when Ange decided to give the day session a miss and went to the beach instructing me "not to bring anyone back to the beach with me" and a couple of hours later came strolling down with your ex ... both a bit mangled.
Hey folks :)
Good to see some of the old gang around for the holidays!
But very sorry to read of some of the rough times some of you have been going through.
The good thing is, in every case there's a light at the end of the tunnel. We all have to make do, don't we? Onward and upwards. Most important to never forget that life is good. If you're on this forum, you've got it better than the vast majority of the world. We're some really lucky people.

AS for 2015, I'm almost embarrassed to say, but I've had an absolutely smashing year!

The job I've been doing in various forms for about 13 years is still going relatively well, and I took on some additional duties in late '14 that resulted in a substantial increase in pay.

After 4 years in my rental apartment, the landlady decided to sell so I moved to a new place in September that I absolutely love (coincidentally, about 2 blocks from where I lived in my first 10 years in Moscow, before I got divorced)

I started the year in New York City and since then traveled to, well, all the places in my sig :) Miami, Budapest, Verona, Bologna, Florence, San Marino, Venice, Tblisi (and Georgian wine country), Helsinki, along with London and Jersey for work and/or rugby and football :) Off this weekend for the traditional Christmas with family in the US and, for New Years, to Cuba for the first time! (not to mention a night in the Bahamas on the way). Not a bad haul for the year, and we've already got a return to Copenhagen planned in late Jan.

I'm not the party animal I used to be but I've got a great group of friends here, both local and expat, I've had plenty a good night out (and a handful of serious club nights :) ), and I have hosted some epic dinner parties of up to 30-40 people. Cooking is a hobby of mine... follow johns_diner on Instagram if you want to see what I'm up to :lol:

And then there's the one destination I left off that travel list above - Ibiza! Back again this year for trip 14, after a one-year hiatus. I still love it. More importantly, the current Ms M, whom I've been seeing for a couple of years now, also loved it. Also, unbelievably nice to see some of the old gang (and their respective missuses) - Stivi, Grego, McRackin, WeLuvIbiza, I-Spy, and Mr Spotlight himself, James!

Last but not least - on October 1, on a hillside overlooking Es Vedra, listening to a mix of songs by bands my girlfriend & I had seen in concert together, culminating in Blur's "Coffee & TV" exactly at sunset, I handed over a piece of jewelry that costs more than my car and asked the sweetest girl in the world to be my lawfully wedded 2nd wife. (OK, I didn't point out the "2nd" part because that might have killed the moment :lol: ). So... next July I'll take the plunge again. This time I might even try this "children" thing people keep talking about. :lol:

We lost my mom's sister this year, and my girlfriend lost an aunt as well. But it was a brief blip on an otherwise amazing year.

Fingers crossed 2016 turns out as well (especially this wedding thing :lol:)
^ Nice one John, miss your forum posts tbh.
I did happen to stumble across you earlier in the year whilst I was watching an old UK documentary (BBC?) on the youtube when you did an interview:).
^ Nice one John, miss your forum posts tbh.
I did happen to stumble across you earlier in the year whilst I was watching an old UK documentary (BBC?) on the youtube when you did an interview:).
Ugh... if it's the one I'm thinking of, that reporter was a total tool. A truly unpleasant individual. I spent half a week ferrying his butt around.

I just went back and read my year review from 2013 (via link in Buckley's post). What a difference a little time makes!
lovely thread here guys.

reading some of your posts makes me realise how much of an 'easy life' I currently have. I'm healthy (albeit always a bit of a wreck after the closings, but that's part of the game and 'job risk'), I have a great relationship, I love my job and I didn't have to cope with any bereavement lately. but I'm aware this is all fragile and lots of things can happen and change general life situation very quickly. for now I'm just glad things are how they are. I appreciate the quieter winter months which also give me time to travel and then obviously it's all systems go again in the run up to another manic yet wonderful summer.

bring on 2016!! :)
A bad year for me.
i lost my job,found a new one few months after,but with it it wasn't possible to go to ibiza,the first time in 22 years.:(
And,as french,i was terribly touched,emotionaly,by the horrible terrorist attacks we had this year.A guy i knew,not a friend but a good guy,died in Paris during the november attack.
A year to forget.

how the hell are you? So chuffed to here you and Ang are still happy together. Gutted to hear about your family troubles, the thing I hate most about getting old is the worry when it comes to your older family members. Your mum was no age, and my heart goes out to you and your family (not so much to you Dad obvs.) Do you still go over to Cyprus to visit Ange's sister and hubby? Mum and Dad moved back 4 years ago as Dad got Cancer and Mum needed the support mechanism of a family back here in England. He is fine now thankfully and playing golf every other day :) I miss my free holidays tho lol....

Big Love to everyone for 2016 and I hope the year ahead has more postives than negatives.


Hi Buckley/Puppylover et al

Noticed this thread during my infrequent visits.

Sorry to hear your sad news Buckley and really hope Tommy comes on well - you should be very proud of yourself and am sure you make an amazing father.

So for me ......

Starting with the downs:

- I lost my mum to a very long period of suffering with a low grade brain tumour back in May. We thought for a long time, she would be ok for at least a few more years but sadly the tumour became more aggressive and lost her battle aged only 64 (a very young 64 at that). We had to move her into a nursing home for the last 18 months which was one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with emotionally. Me and Ange visited her at least 2/3 times a week and it was heartbreaking - especially leaving saying bye each time knowing we couldn't help her but at least we were at peace knowing she was safe and very well looked after. Unfortunately my pig of a father gave up on her when she started getting bad and eventually got it together with another woman (my mum's best friend!!) and has totally disowned all his family and we never see him. He doesn't even care to see his 2 beautiful grandchildren of my brothers. So in essence, in one foul swoop, we lost both parents. On the plus side, this horrible situation has really helped bring a wider circle of family/friends together who have gradually drifted away a little over the years.

Downs to ups:

- I seem to be doing really well following my back surgery I had almost a year ago to the day (bulging disc). The first couple of weeks after surgery was a living hell but gradually improved. This was made even worse by not being able to see mum knowing she could pass at any time


- Nothing too exciting really apart from my new business doing phenomenally well which has enabled the wife to pack up work (to walk the doggies and generally be a great housewife lol) and just be able to enjoy life without the financial burdens.

I firmly believe the loss of my mother (and father) has given me even more strength and determination to work even harder and achieve what makes us happy.

Hope you all have a wonderful christmas and a very happy new year.

how the hell are you? So chuffed to here you and Ang are still happy together. Gutted to hear about your family troubles, the thing I hate most about getting old is the worry when it comes to your older family members. Your mum was no age, and my heart goes out to you and your family (not so much to you Dad obvs.) Do you still go over to Cyprus to visit Ange's sister and hubby? Mum and Dad moved back 4 years ago as Dad got Cancer and Mum needed the support mechanism of a family back here in England. He is fine now thankfully and playing golf every other day :) I miss my free holidays tho lol....

Big Love to everyone for 2016 and I hope the year ahead has more postives than negatives.


Hi there Steph!! Very nice to hear from you too!

So sorry to hear about your father (I do recall you mentioning it a while ago) but good to hear he's doing well. That must have been a very tough time for you and your family.

Yes, we have being going to Cyprus once a year to stay with the in-laws. In fact, we've brought our niece back with us to stay over here for her summer break and she absolutely loves it!! Last year she did some Javelin training in Sheffield as she's very good at it. After her first throw, her coach said she would be ranked 13th in the UK for 16-18 year group and she's only 12!!. It's brilliant having her to stay, especially never having had kids ourselves.

It seems a long time since we met over in Cyprus but have fond memories of the drinks and few giggles.

We've not been to Ibiza for a good few years now but can't say it's really bothered me, we certainly wouldn't have the energy for the nights out anymore!

Life is pretty good though yeah and hope all is well at your end xxxxxx