How Reliable is Spotlight Party Calendar?


Active Member
How much can we rely on the Spotlight party calendar?, its been 3 days since McRankin's Hed Kandi reveal, yet Hed Kandi is still listed as being at Eden rather than space.

Also, at what point will other parties have tickets up for sale and line-ups filled in? I understand the info has to come from the club/ promotor, just wondered around about what time everything gets finalised.

cheers guys

One would imagine they are waiting for the ACTUAL confirmation from either the club or the promoter, as the line up will probably be different.
Events can change overnight in Ibiza.

Politics and money play a big part on the Island.

Its always best to check the calender mid June, as it firms up fairly strongly then, once the season is underway in earnest.

Also remember, a lot of clubs are nervously watching their bank overdrafts at the moment.

With a recession in full swing in Europe, some clubs nights may not last the season, especially if numbers are down as predicted.
i wasn't aware that the Hed Kandi announcement wasn't confirmed, i'd assumed it was.

I'm not questioning Spotlight's authority, I was asking out of interest more than anything, this is the first time i'm aware of parties on Ibiza before we get there, and wondered how reliable the info was so we can begin to plan our holiday.

No offence was meant to be caused.
oh **** - THAT IS SHOCKING ! :lol:


yeah like, is the calendar not a semi-intelligent droid that updates automatically or something!!:lol::lol:

funny how you say no offence was intended, yet you use the exact same thread title as 2 others in the last month
As far as I can see, there are two very simple ways of doing it.

You can either use the Spotlight calendar as a very general guide and, as someone else has said, check back in mid-June to get full confirmation.

Or, you can do what i'm doing (and have done before in the past), and build your own calendar for the time you are there using the info that is posted in the "confirmed line ups" part of the forum - moderating that with your own knowledge and common sense.

And don't, like someone else in a topic similar to this did recently, book your holiday around one DJ or one line up that is itself subject to change.
As far as I can see, there are two very simple ways of doing it.

You can either use the Spotlight calendar as a very general guide and, as someone else has said, check back in mid-June to get full confirmation.

Or, you can do what i'm doing (and have done before in the past), and build your own calendar for the time you are there using the info that is posted in the "confirmed line ups" part of the forum - moderating that with your own knowledge and common sense.

And don't, like someone else in a topic similar to this did recently, book your holiday around one DJ or one line up that is itself subject to change.

don't make things difficult for yourself, the calendar entries come from that part of the forum just might take a few days to filter through.
don't make things difficult for yourself, the calendar entries come from that part of the forum just might take a few days to filter through.

Oh, I have no doubt they do, but I wouldn't say it makes it anymore difficult.

All I'm saying is, if people are that bothered that, for example, Hed Kandi hasn't been moved from Eden to Space on the Spotlight calendar yet, open a word document and make a note of it yourself. Doesn't take two ticks. The forum is more up-to-the-minute anyway. You just have to be aware that things can change, as has been pointed out.
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calendar runs in tandem with the confirmed section

that is only as accurate as the information we are fed

example- DJ Hell - his myspace and official site are giving out differing dates