How do I break the ice?

Women prefer calm men to stressed ones.

Just approach her and let her know that you are going out for a drink/walk/whatever and ask if she would like to come along. Look like you dont give a sh1t, if she says a definative no, then move on.

We prefer confident and a bit cheeky, don't ask too soon cos it takes all the fun out of it, that's what I think anyway.
Oi, it was partly agreeing with what you said about not jumping in and all that! And women are better at making decisions, we take long enough over them :D

Yes and thats another thing that you will have to get used to.........never winning an argument with a woman :)
Just arrived into work this morning and as I was pulling up, another car pulled up and this girl was driving. She looked at me, I looked at here - nice I though. Anyway, she got out of her car, turned round to watch me get my laptop bag out of my car and I walked off but could hear eyes on me.

Anyway, to cut a long story short (well shorter than it could be) I have just found out the girls name. We have IM at work here and work email. Anyway, I wanted to get chatting to her but have found no way to 'break the ice'. How the **** am I meant to do this without sounding like a stalker. :D

Introduce yourself, if she does not respond, move on