How do I break the ice?


New Member
Just arrived into work this morning and as I was pulling up, another car pulled up and this girl was driving. She looked at me, I looked at here - nice I though. Anyway, she got out of her car, turned round to watch me get my laptop bag out of my car and I walked off but could hear eyes on me.

Anyway, to cut a long story short (well shorter than it could be) I have just found out the girls name. We have IM at work here and work email. Anyway, I wanted to get chatting to her but have found no way to 'break the ice'. How the **** am I meant to do this without sounding like a stalker. :D
Oooo that's a tough one, it depends on your personality. Are you friendly outgoing up for a laugh lad? Could easily send her a cheeky message using your imagination and at the same time compliment her. If not then I don't know :D the more serious you are at this stage the worse it might turn out. Don't want her telling folk you're a weirdo either :lol:
I think a pic of how fit she is would give us a better idea of how to deal with it 8)
Oooo that's a tough one, it depends on your personality. Are you friendly outgoing up for a laugh lad? Could easily send her a cheeky message using your imagination and at the same time compliment her. If not then I don't know :D the more serious you are at this stage the worse it might turn out. Don't want her telling folk you're a weirdo either :lol:
I think a pic of how fit she is would give us a better idea of how to deal with it 8)

Of course I am a friendly outgoing lad. But my imagination, in these kind of situations, is appalling. As for the telling folk I'm a weirdo, that's the worrying thing. I work shifts but at the same time, am leaving in six weeks so if I'm shot down - meh!
Of course I am a friendly outgoing lad. But my imagination, in these kind of situations, is appalling. As for the telling folk I'm a weirdo, that's the worrying thing. I work shifts but at the same time, am leaving in six weeks so if I'm shot down - meh!

If I were leaving in 6 weeks I'd just try and have a laugh with her then. Many Borders to be breached here though. I still believe her pic would enable us to progress your situation ;)
Grow a pair and get off your arse and go and talk to her, that way she won't think you're a weirdo either
A while back I used to live in San Francisco and a work friend was having trouble attracting a girl's attention. Then at last he managed to take her out a few times. She then must have decided that it wasn't working between them and called it off.
I remember one evening in the pub there was a group of 5 guys and our jilted friend was one of them. He was quite upset and asked us if we had any ideas for him to try and win her back.
We somehow mangaged to convince him that a overt declaration of love was what was needed and that he should get some flyers made up to let her know how much she ,meant to him. So we got him to go to the photocopy shop and have a 100 posters made up with her photo and the words ''Come back Shannon, I love you. Ken xx''
That night he posted them everywhere from her appartment all the way along her route to work.
We could not believe at each stage he still went along with it.
Of course she never ever came near him again and threatened to report him to the police for harressment.
I would sit and wait for your opportunity. It will come...... I have found its always better to play it cool with women rather than jumping right in especially in this type of situation.

If shes interested in you she will meet you half way on it...if not further.

Be professional at work and dont mix business with pleasure.

I would suggest at the end of next week you invite her for a drink after work to welcome her to the company......
What about an impression to make her laugh and impress her?

I always find the old Elephant impression of pulling both pockets out of my trousers and then exposing myself for the trunk works.

Glad to help.
The last girl i went out with from work turned out to be a complete psycho so I'm staying well clear of work colleagues!!

Two new gorgeous ones started recently though :( but knowing my luck they'll both be nuts as well.
From a female point of view - don't email her, especially straight away, you need to let the excitement build! Park in the same place and see if she does, then just smile and go into work, do this a few times then try and talk to her and if you get the right vibe and are too nervous to ask her out then maybe email her?
A while back I used to live in San Francisco and a work friend was having trouble attracting a girl's attention. Then at last he managed to take her out a few times. She then must have decided that it wasn't working between them and called it off.
I remember one evening in the pub there was a group of 5 guys and our jilted friend was one of them. He was quite upset and asked us if we had any ideas for him to try and win her back.
We somehow mangaged to convince him that a overt declaration of love was what was needed and that he should get some flyers made up to let her know how much she ,meant to him. So we got him to go to the photocopy shop and have a 100 posters made up with her photo and the words ''Come back Shannon, I love you. Ken xx''
That night he posted them everywhere from her appartment all the way along her route to work.
We could not believe at each stage he still went along with it.
Of course she never ever came near him again and threatened to report him to the police for harressment.

Literally LOL'd at that last sentence. :D
I would sit and wait for your opportunity. It will come...... I have found its always better to play it cool with women rather than jumping right in especially in this type of situation.

If shes interested in you she will meet you half way on it...if not further.

Be professional at work and dont mix business with pleasure.

I would suggest at the end of next week you invite her for a drink after work to welcome her to the company......

I don't think she is new to the company. I do shift work and so have probably never seen her before.

What about an impression to make her laugh and impress her?

I always find the old Elephant impression of pulling both pockets out of my trousers and then exposing myself for the trunk works.

Glad to help.


From a female point of view - don't email her, especially straight away, you need to let the excitement build! Park in the same place and see if she does, then just smile and go into work, do this a few times then try and talk to her and if you get the right vibe and are too nervous to ask her out then maybe email her?

Sound advice that. Probably the best on here considering it's probably coming from a female perspective too. thanks. :)
=koppas84;1394274Sound advice that. Probably the best on here considering it's probably coming from a female perspective too. thanks. :)

Taking advice from one woman on how to date another of her species can be a double edged sword.

Once they draw you into their web, you are on a downward spiral, where at the end of it, you wont be able to make a decision for yourself.......they will make them for you! :)
Women prefer calm men to stressed ones.

Just approach her and let her know that you are going out for a drink/walk/whatever and ask if she would like to come along. Look like you dont give a sh1t, if she says a definative no, then move on.
Taking advice from one woman on how to date another of her species can be a double edged sword.

Once they draw you into their web, you are on a downward spiral, where at the end of it, you wont be able to make a decision for yourself.......they will make them for you! :)

Oi, it was partly agreeing with what you said about not jumping in and all that! And women are better at making decisions, we take long enough over them :D