how do all you girls get in shape for those skimpy outfits??

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My diet isn't the best I'll fully admit that, and I drink way too much :(

But in my defence I don't eat fried foods, I like to grill and oven cook food and try and get as much fat off as I can.

I'm not really a big boy, but I think I maybe need to lose a few pounds as I feel a bit bigger than I should on my thighs and stomach.

I've been saying to myself that I'm going to start going swimming again, but everytime I keep putting it off. But people say that it's probably the best form of exercise. I bike to and from work every day, takes me about 10 minutes either way.

I'll admit I need to get healthy. :(

Premile, cool site by the way, I've added it to my favourites.
Someone mentioned the atkins diet i have done it b4 and it is ok for a quick weight loss only do it for 2 or 3 weeks as it really wears you down
A good alternative is the red and green diet one day is red and nest day is green
its the atkins diet on red days and the green day is high carb low fat and protein.
With this diet you can do it all the time without getting tired.
The only problem would be that if u like your potatoes with your meat then is no good
Other tips are do crunche's in the morning and at night so at least your tummy is flatter. I never really worry about my bum mind unless it went really fat.
i also play squash and do circiut training but i like doing that so its not like boring excersise.
worst thing is jogging its dead boring.
I also detox every 3 months as well. that mainly involves fruit veg salad and water and it lasts about 9 days. its quite hard but clears all the crap out of your system and leaves you looking and feeling really refreshed.
i'm doing it b4 ibiza.
To lose weight to look good in my bikini all I do is start to eat healthily, but allow yourself treats, otherwise you won't stick to it and do more exercise.

At the moment I do Pilates twice a week and do Spinning classes twice a week and they're great and really make a difference to your body shape.

Happy exercising! xx
klingclubber said:
sh*t i just can't do that spinning class
maybe's its me old tired legs
maybe i'm just an unfit cow
but they are so damn hard!

Spinning classes are really difficult, but they are worth it in the long run, they are so effective and your legs get lovely definition after only about 2 weeks of doing them. xx
well i've only just joined the gym this week first time in all my 26 years :oops: i know its terrible
but i'll give it a month of working out and then give those spinning classes a try!
but i'll be knocking on your door xpander! moaning and groaning like a baby (i don't take to exercise very well!) heheheh
join a gym and go loads of weights, do small weights but more reps to tone, and heavy weights less to build up..

also loads of running and walking, loads of water and fruit

oh and sex :D

Honestly, it doesn't take long to get your fitness levels up (believe me..... if you knew my friends they would tell you that I am the laziest person ever)

The reason I do Pilates is because it's effective and you don't break in to a sweat and the reason I do Spinning is because it's effective quickly - I like quick results you see - I'm SO impatient!!!

You'll be fine lovey - I'm 27 and I only started a couple of years ago - and anyway it's time to start getting my stamina ready for Ibiza!!!

3rd September - Sod it I've got plenty of time - where's that chinese menu gone!!!!! xxx
This may be a bit over the top with respect to spinning... But I'm a nut for it -- and learned this piece of info which helps immensely -- as anyone who does it knows, it's a really intense activity and you should be especially mindful of being wise about your heart rate when you're spinning. It's easy to get way out of your heart rate range and wind up burning muscle, as opposed to fat or just toning and thereby not really maximizing what you can do for your body in such a short amount of time...
If you don't have a heart rate monitor, a little trick is that you should be able to, somewhat uncomfortably, tell someone your name and address aloud when spinning -- basically you want to be working yourself but not gasping for air or breathless. I know in a lot of classes, the instructor will push you to turn up the resistance another turn, but really, be mindful of your own pace.
Also, make sure all the adjustments are right for your bike, as you can really wreck up your knees (or other bits) if you're not planted right.
That being said, it really is a rush! Especially when you find a class with kicka$$ music.