Hillsborough - 19 Years Ago Today

I was at a friends....the news reports stated that Peter Beardsley had just hit the bar before the game was stopped......Kennedy moment indeed.

beardsley was guilt ridden for a long time afterwards, because he felt that the shot might have caused the type of sway/movement common on the terraces in those days.

the truth is that should he have scored rather than hit the bar, there would have been at least double the deaths.
I drove past the memorial yesterday but it was pretty lacklustre.


hi drew.

it took a while to get a memorial at hillsborough if i'm correct.

some reds will never go back to the ground but i remember on the 10th anniversary, some fans had flowers and bunches of roses, which they wanted to lay on the site of the deaths.

in a moment of most profound and ironic insensitivity, South Yorkshire police confiscated the flowers due to them being an "offensive weapon". :cry::cry:
quite right, a cataclysmic f**k up which could so easily have been avoided. I used to go away with City quite a lot in those days and the police attitude to you was that you were subhuman, de-generate scum...animals even and that you should be treated as such...if you tried to reason or even engage with them you got a slap round the head or if you were lucky told to "shut the f**k up" so in many ways and overall more tragically this was inevitable :(

The police attitude sometimes is still pretty much the same. I got a whack round the scotch eggs by dibble at Chelsea about 3 years ago for straying outside of the invisible line on my way to the ground.

2 years ago the old bill at Sheffield give me a tug (not the nice one I used to enjoy!) as they said I was making no attempt to watch the match (it was awful I may add) and said I was trying to cause trouble (whilst sitting next to my mate and his 9 year old daughter and at least 300ft away from the nearest opposition fan!)! I said you are having a laugh ain't you mate? The response was 'we've had enough of your lip Cockney'! That was that! Cuffs on, lobbed in back of van and of to the cells for the afternoon! Only let out as I had 12 of the chaps train tickets and so they said they would stay in Sheffield until my release so dibble said I could go on the basis that i'm on the first train out of there otherwise they would keep me till court opened Monday:rolleyes:
Thank for the link Grego.

I have to say I wasnt totally aware of everything surrounding the events, I knew of it but not everything that happened. Not through ignorance just generally not being that aware.

sadly em, many people are ignorant of what happened. The S*n headlines, whose slander is difficult to comprehend given the scale of the disaster that had unfolded, were perpetuated in tandem with the police lies almost from the outset.

the match commander (duckenfield) lied to graham kelly, FA chief, that fans had broken down the door (in was in fact him who ordered it open).......kelly announced a similar message to the waiting press. SWFC and sheffield city council passed similar comment to the local media, fully knowing their own role in the disaster.

on the same afternoon, the UEFA president was laying the foundation for the myth that has existed ever since, his quote of "beasts charging into the arena" goes against the CCTV footage showing fans walking through Gate C into the tunnel (the only obvious entrance point). even brian clough, who was there and surely must have wanted to know the facts, said in his autobiography that the surge of fans coming in was the reason for the disaster. THERE WAS NO SURGE!!

duckenfield then peddled the same lie/myth to thatcher and douglas hurd when they visited the next day. those two along with bernhard ingham (thatcher's press sec) made in clearly nationally where responsibility lay.

in over 10,000 witness statements for the official inquiry, 18,000 photographs and 71 hours of footage - there is not one single piece of evidence that substantiates the allegations made notorious by the S*n.

following on from the links above - there is a more detailed website, with investigation, quotes, pics, footage, etc


the footage is poor and freezes continually after about 4 mins.
you were lucky you weren't at Villa mate.........with the WMC's track record you would be looking at a 10 stretch!!

approx 20 years ago we went there and whooped ass to the tune of a 5-1 win.

then got systematically twatted by the boys in blue on the way out for our trouble...........!!

that same season we were on route to west brom and got stopped and then all banged up, tickets confiscated, no questions asked (by them) no questions answered. Got let out a few hours later and to this day I still don;t know what we were supposed to have done, unless that year it was an offence to be in the vicinity of a first division ground with 6 other blokes in a white minibus whilst in possession of a valid match ticket!! :lol:

(I await the comedic genius that is Buckley to edit the above with "hilarious" consequences!!)
It's a crying shame it took peoples' deaths here and here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradford_City_disaster) to modernise stadia and crowd management.

the bradford fire is a tragic tragic event.

one of popplewell's recommendations from the bradford fire was about access to the pitch in case of emergency.

the pens on the leppings lane were effectively cages. you couldn't move sideways as lateral fences had been put in after the crushing in 1981.

the tall fences with inward pointing spikes were common place in those days.

there was no way out, except for the perimeter gate, which was locked and forcibly closed when opend. the police were pushing people who had escaped the crush back in.
:cry: :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I have to watch this film everytime we do our fire warden training at work - they make us look at some horrifying things to hammer home the dangers of fire/fire exits being blocked etc etc.....

the speed in which that fire took hold is truly shocking.
Taken from that link:

"It would take a psychologist to unlock parts of my mind that have been numb for 20 years, and some that I have surrendered. If in a sense I have come from Hillsborough, I am not prepared to go back. What I have long suspected is that, emotionally, the clock stopped at 19. Since holding death at arm's length I've held the advancing years there, too. I was a mature teenager, but I haven't grown up since at the same pace as my friends. I haven't had kids. I won't let my own youth go just yet. I will turn 40 next year, but to most people I seem to be around 30"

I know what this is like.
Being from the area, and a red, I know a few people who lost loved ones. Due to the injustice since, they feel their lost friends or family arent yet at peace. Its disgusting no one has been made accountable.

Every time i visit anfield it still brings a lump to the throat when I stop by the memorial.

A very sad day indeed. I can't believe it's been 20 year since this happened. I was only 8 at the time but remember it happening so vividly.

Some of the stories that tabloid papers printed in recent years (regarding the McCanns, for example) pale in comparison to the vicious lies that the Sun printed regarding Hillsborough. The fact that the paper is still in existance is appaling.