Help an Ibiza Virgin not waste his 1st trip


New Member
Hey fellow spotlighters

This is my first post and forgive me if this turns out to be quite a scripture to read! However as the heading says, I am due to go to Ibiza for a relatively short time, and rather then spending the time whilst there, wandering around aimlessly I am wanting some direction to ensure its the best it can be.

I am absorbing a lot of the information from the forum, buses, club nights etc and loving the reviews too, however I felt the need to post this so that it is relevant to me.

My situation is:

Flying out from Stanstead on Monday 24th and arrive at Ibiza at 12.45am on Tuesday Morning

We (group of four) are stopping in San Antonio at Orvay Appartments (Review on the hotel would be great) and we fly back on Thursday at approx midnight.

With quite rubbish flight times, what would you do on the first night? would it be worth going to ASOT or due to the lateness opt for an experience the west end?

Also what to do for the day times?

What I would like to do is to sample:

Amnesia (Not a fan of the DB night tho)

So if you were going then what would you do? and how would you give yourself the ultimate experience in tasting ibiza for the first time??

P.s. Not wanting to follow the crowd and trying to avoid wearing vests.....I ended up shopping and buying two? whats the deal!! :spank:

Anyways sorry for the long blurb, but would love some of your thoughts to ensure I do not waste it.

Thanks for reading.

no one cares if you're wearing vests or not, so don't even bother with that discussion ;)

i guess i'd do...

either asot just after arriving or have a west end night if you feel you'll arrive to privilege too late that night (not a big fan of the westend myself but understand people want to do it!). then space with carl cox on tuesday and la troya at amnesia on wednesday.
Just been trying to work out timings, if you land at 12:45am and sail through the airport and taxi rank, you'll probably get to San An around 1:15am - 1:30am. Lets say close to 2am to sort hotel, bags etc.

Don't know about the Orvay, but it says it's 50 metres from Ibiza Rocks hotel so you're very centrally based. Calo des Moro should be your beach of choice 8)

By the time you've everything sorted, I'd just do every bar in the West End. :)
If you didn't wear vests you'd be crazy it's boiling out there! And everyone wears them anyway even on nights out unless your going to Pacha VIP or something lol
Just been trying to work out timings, if you land at 12:45am and sail through the airport and taxi rank, you'll probably get to San An around 1:15am - 1:30am. Lets say close to 2am to sort hotel, bags etc.

By the time you've everything sorted, I'd just do every bar in the West End. :)

^^ This.

Nothing wrong with the West End. It serves a purpose, and you can have a perfectly good night out there. Much as the 'vest situation' you can largely ignore a lot of it's bad reputation on these forums. Nowhere near as bad as some make it out to be. ;)

Assuming you do hit the big club nights the rest of your trip, this way will mean your holiday will get better & better and you'll appreciate those nights more as well! :)

Theoretically you still have plenty of time to make ASOT and have a great night, but personally I wouldn't bother for a few reasons...

You'll be clock watching, and you won't appreciate the night if you've gotta worry about delays (however slight), cabs/buses to and from, making sure your hotel room and stuff is all secure etc.

Plus there's reports that after Armin comes off the places empties out.

Might just be me, but I also find that it doesn't matter how much I drink at the airport and on the plane, by the time I pass through security, collect my bags & then get taxi to hotel I'm normally as sober as a judge! But's that's nothing the West End wont sort out on the cheap!
We had silly flight times like you as well, so we just freshened up in hotel and headed to the west end. It was our first time in Ibiza, and tbh you have th 'experience' it once in my opinion :lol: so you might as well use your first night as your first and last time lol
One thing (even if it is fairly minor) which is worth saying but will help loads during the week.... buy one absolutely massive bottle of water. When you have drank it, just keep filling it up with tap water to save money. And leave it in the fridge as much as possible before you start drinking it, because the water becomes really warm and disgusting so quickly in the heat!
One thing (even if it is fairly minor) which is worth saying but will help loads during the week.... buy one absolutely massive bottle of water. When you have drank it, just keep filling it up with tap water to save money. And leave it in the fridge as much as possible before you start drinking it, because the water becomes really warm and disgusting so quickly in the heat!

You drank the Tap Water? Why am I reminded of the Billy Connolly routine about Ibiza water....

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You drank the Tap Water? Why am I reminded of the Billy Connolly routine about Ibiza water....

Yeah it is not particularly nice but its just about bearable. And it is not like it is bad for you - it just doesn't taste that nice!
Yeah it is not particularly nice but its just about bearable. And it is not like it is bad for you - it just doesn't taste that nice!

On the contrary, it can be very bad for you. That's why they recommend you don't drink it!!!

Why do you think bottled water is so cheap in Ibiza, and indeed all over the Med?!
Well at least we now know why Beans said his mates were ill while on holiday, it wasn't from being spiked it was from drinking tap water:lol:
On the contrary, it can be very bad for you. That's why they recommend you don't drink it!!!

Why do you think bottled water is so cheap in Ibiza, and indeed all over the Med?!


I once, stupidly, drank a glass of water when in Zante (this was my first holiday abroad with a friend) before the rep informed us it wouldnt be wise.....low and behold - i was ill...but then that could of also been the sun stroke :lol: bgut i still wouldnt drink any water from a top abroad!
I asked 2 different receptionists at my hotel and they said the water would not harm you. Plus only me and 1 other mate (who didnt get his drinked spiked) did it and felt fine. The mate that never drank the tap water was the one who got his drink spiked (so they are not connected)
I drank some water from a couple of the clubs in Ibiza and never been ill. But I think I've got lucky. On noticing the colour of the water in Privilege, I certainly won't be drinking that stuff again! (The things you do when you leave your bank card in your apartment :lol: )
I remember the first time in spain in late 80's and we were that paranoid about the water we even fished out any ice from our drinks