Hed Kandi on Rapture TV

Hed Kandi was filmed for Rapture. No idea when the footage will get shown, but i'm sure they won't let it sit in the library, gathering dust.

Obviously, Ibiza Lisa, you missed the new series of Ibiza As It Happens on October. Luckily, theres a few more new episodes on the way *UPDATE* and an Ibiza Weekend on 27th-28th Dec.
give it about 3 years!

At the moment there still playing Ibiza 2000 :x repeat after repeat after repeat :x

LMAO sounds about rite for rapture!
I've been told there are quite a few new programmes on the way. Some will also be non-Clubbing/Extreme Sports related to widen the appeal of the channel.
Can definitely say it WILL NOT be on Rapture and I was right so there.... This came from Chris the cameraman himself. (he says with smug grin)