Haunted Clubs

Yes!!!! Brannigans Manchester!

Godfrey Parks! the evil man spirit / entity (who sounded uncannily like a camp scouser :lol: ) inhabits the Brannigans building on Peter St... the BEST episode of Most Haunted. Ever.

I also liked the one where he was shouting Mary loves Dick all over the place! Classic
sounds suspiciously like Naked Age dropped his first E

congratulations sir!

welcome to the love ranch

No I had one this other time :p NO! Drugs are ****ed, they are insult to the music.

See, its ****ing strange. 50% of the people say "YES" they can see the ghost in the movie I took on my phone, the other 50% say no. Whats freakier is when it happend I got scared cos, the circumstances were ****ing scarey, but I didn't run out or anything and afterwards I just, forgot. I treated it as a joke until my girlfriend saw the video on my phone and said "Whose the guy dancing?" .. Until then I thought I was seeing ****.