Hate! Calm me down!

Go take some toys off a few kids or burst some of their balloons.....that should cheer you up:)

Seriously though I would right the whole thing off as a bad debt and put it down to an expensive learning experience.

The legal action will only prolong the stress and most probably incense you further.

Only people that win in these type of situations are the lawyers. All she needs is a half decent one that will end up making her look like a saint.

I know its not easy to let it go but the agro thats down the legal route is not worth the time effort, stress and cost.

We're in a month's stay for mediation and we'll be in court. Endgame almost here.

She's taken rubbish advice off the CAB and will lose
We're in a month's stay for mediation and we'll be in court. Endgame almost here.

She's taken rubbish advice off the CAB and will lose

a. Its 14k - no b*gger wants to lose that sort of money


b. im sure its the principle (al ?!) of it aswell :lol:

Glad to hear it!

Totally understand where you're coming from. I hope they pile punitive damages on your court award!

God, you'll be lucky .. this is Britain, Grand Central of "if you've already spent it you can't be held accountable to pay it" - unless it's Council Tax of course in which case lock up the pensioners :lol:
Cheers but no need mate!

I'm tip top, just had a moment of seeing someone for what they are and being digusted.

In general life is to good for me to even slightly peeved for more than a moment.

look on the brightside, your older, wiser, got a new missus and there were no kids involved!! :D
look on the brightside, your older, wiser, got a new missus and there were no kids involved!! :D

couldn't have said it better myself. i don't have alot of love for the english justice system but really hope they see what is right and wrong and you get what you deserve.

and i hope the evil ex slips over in dog**** falls on her ass ruining her absolute favourite piece of clothing (small things often annoy the most) :evil::evil:
couldn't have said it better myself. i don't have alot of love for the english justice system but really hope they see what is right and wrong and you get what you deserve.

and i hope the evil ex slips over in dog**** falls on her ass ruining her absolute favourite piece of clothing (small things often annoy the most) :evil::evil:

Good one
Snakes with tits! Never give them money, never!

Oooof, thats a harsh generalisation, and perhaps rather unfair. Though it did make me chuckle. You been burnt by any chance ;)

8) - big smile with new gnashers :D !!


look on the brightside, your older, wiser, got a new missus and there were no kids involved!! :D

Exactly, I think youve had a (expensive) luck escape there mate, count your lucky stars TBH ;)
You always get back what you give out sooner or later... that's why personal revenge is a futile endeavour. Getting what's rightfully yours though is a different matter .. there are times you need to hold out for it and other times it's better to walk away. It depends on all the circumstances.