Hate! Calm me down!

whats happened mate?

Just really regretting being nice to a mental manipulative cow today. Owes me £14k, even with me writing of thousands, has been pleading poverty for more than a year and is happily buying iphones, laptops and holidays with my cash.

It's going through the courts at the mo and I just wish it was over.

Having said that, it's the only pain in the ass in my life and I had a very lucky escape to get away from her, so I shouldn't complain.
If they are scum I wouldn't waste another of your precious breath being bothered, hope your ok though mate :confused:

I have to put the effort in to get the money back, purely on principle. I paid her mortgage when she couldn't afford to, among other money I lent her, and now having sold her flat, and pocketed a profit, she won't even give me that back.

Luckily I have emails that make it very clear it was expressly a loan and her emails agreeing how and when she would pay it back. But it's pretty low to have to take an ex to court in those circumstances.
I have to put the effort in to get the money back, purely on principle. I paid her mortgage when she couldn't afford to, among other money I lent her, and now having sold her flat, and pocketed a profit, she won't even give me that back.

Luckily I have emails that make it very clear it was expressly a loan and her emails agreeing how and when she would pay it back. But it's pretty low to have to take an ex to court in those circumstances.

That's really ****.:eek:

Definately a lucky escape there mucker! Wouldn't fancy going through the divorce courts with that one!! ;)
Will you get it back or is there a chance she will wriggle out of it?

I think there is no doubt the court will find in my favour, but I doubt she'll have any of the money left at the rate she's going. I'd have her declared bankrupt or send the baliffs in, but odds are the court will accept whatever b**t**** she gives them about her means and allow her to pay 2p a week!
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It's not a really a male/female thing, I would have done the same for anyone I care for, a mate or whatever.

I genuinely don't know how someone could live with themselves, doing what she's done.

Yeah i can either tbh, even if i owe someone thirty quid i am quick to give it back as soon as i have it.

I wouldnt ever want to be in someones debt.
And breathe.....

My ex is the lowest form of scum ever.

Go take some toys off a few kids or burst some of their balloons.....that should cheer you up:)

Seriously though I would right the whole thing off as a bad debt and put it down to an expensive learning experience.

The legal action will only prolong the stress and most probably incense you further.

Only people that win in these type of situations are the lawyers. All she needs is a half decent one that will end up making her look like a saint.

I know its not easy to let it go but the agro thats down the legal route is not worth the time effort, stress and cost.