Has anybody been Clubbing in Dublin !!!

Hello there Dublin born, I've been to your City before and had a marvellous time......in fact the trip converted my opinion of Guiness. Over here it tastes like cack and I've always preffered Cafferey's, due to it being smoother. When I tried a "proper" Guiness, i was dumbstruck at how differnt it tastes - fortunately for the better....much better!

Myself and an amalgamated cast of thousands (friends, footy team, etc) will be paying a visit again in June, so if you could tell me what are the "must-do's" and "where to avoid" when we arrive. Bars and Clubs are top of the agenda...is the Temple Bar still "the" place?

Cheers for the help!
Dr Fox

A must do is "Spirit". It's the best in Dublin. It's just across the river from Temple bar. It's like a little bit of Ibiza in dublin. You will love the place and on sat night it goes off. There are so many bars about. Temple bar is OK but there is better places for a good time. One of my favourites is Pravda, again just straight across the river from temple bar. Just 50m from pravda is another bar called K3. Walk across the pedestrian bridge called the halfpenny bridge and it's straight in front of you. Spirit is just around the corner. Lots of nice chica's about. :twisted:
Dublin Born,
I have to disagree with you there - in my opinion Spirit is not the best club in Dublin, it is pretty cool looking (apart from the DJ box) but it is full of alot of posers who wanna be seen and don't have a clue about the music.

Dr Fox,
If your looking for some top quality house music you have to go to the Redbox on a Saturday night. The music is excellent - our resident Robbie Butler is wicked - he played in Space last summer. Even Mr.Morillo said he would love a residency at the end of his set last year.
Hey Chopper,
I have to admit that i haven't been since the revamp. People have told me it's good .Your obviously being a little biased as you have something to do with the club. Although I have to say the whole spirit experience has definetly brought clubbing in Dublin to a new level. And as for the poser thing, i disagree. of course you get them in spirit but you get them everywhere.
J. Ulysses played the POD before is there any plans to get him in Red Box ?

Dr Fox.

Go to both clubs, you can't loose.
Only been to the Kitchen but I've only been to Dublin once and that was on a work jolly so I had to go with the flow. Definitely want to go back to Dublin sometime soon tho and check out the Redbox..........if it's good enough for Mr Morillo then it's good enough for me LOL :P
I'm planning a trip over to Dublin for the St Patrick's weekend. Thanks for the tips on the clubs.
Any suggestions for a really down to earth typically Irish pub for the big day itself?
Yeh I've been, but it was mid-week (Tues, Wed, Thurs) and although I had a superb time, I didn't see any of the clubs. We tried to go to the Temple theatre on the Wed but it was students night, I'd read it was house music but we couldn't get in.
Went in Pravda and Zanzibar (probably the smartest bar I've ever been in) and they were good.
I'd love to come back on a weekend and check out some of the clubs. I was also converted to liking Guiness when I was there too!!
Hey Dublin Born, Was back in Dublin (my home town) over the Christmas and went to Spirit. Thought it was really good and definitely thought that it looked like clubbing was moving in the right direction.....although have to admit I havent been to Red Box in a couple of years.
Also went to Temple Theatre for Anne Savage and Judge Jules. Only went because we got onto Anne's guest list. We only really wanted to see her and arrived at around 1am to find that she had already been on and Jules was in the middle of his awful set. Didnt like the crowd in there either...even though Anne Doyle (irish newsreader who has to be in her late 50s)...was in the VIP area.
Also, that night, Judge Jules was awful and included a nice 20 - 30 second break in the music, right in the middle of a tune......tried to claim it was the decks but it was really his dodgy records!!!