Hard House

Not horrible music at all...

Trade's Turnmills residency was the best club London ever saw.

Bloody brilliant. 8)
It is a horrible racket but it sounds good off your chops at 7am and its the least pretentious music scene there is.

It'll always have a soft spot in my heart (until monday, when I'll be ****ing sick of it)
Not horrible music at all...

Trade's Turnmills residency was the best club London ever saw.

Bloody brilliant. 8)


Say what you want about it but the above still stands.

Off to see Joe Claussell, Ron Trent and Theo Parrish next week so I'm hardly devoid of taste. :lol:

...but Trade really did push the limits of everything back in the day. There's nothing around nowadays that touches the intensity of it. The crowd was ace too - not all cyberpunk teens (in fact hardly any) and all the industry bods and faces of London clubland were loyal followers.

It was the first legal after hours club and every man, wife and his dog was clamouring to get in every week. In home grown/post '88 terms it's possibly the most important club London ever saw. 8)
It is a horrible racket but it sounds good off your chops at 7am and its the least pretentious music scene there is.

It'll always have a soft spot in my heart (until monday, when I'll be ****ing sick of it)
I'd say gabber & hardcore is.

i used to go to a good few gabber / hardcore/hardstyle nights and the people into their gabber (in glasgow anyway), very down to earth.
Another vote for liking hard house here.

Although, I would prefer to refer to hard dance in general rather than just hard house. I've obviously always been into trance and when I first started listening to harder music (when I was about 14/15) it was the hard trance that I loved. The hard house did sound horrible. It was only after years of being exposed to it on various Tidy compilations that I grew to enjoy it. One of my acquired tastes.

The scene did seem to die a slow death from about 2007 onwards. Maybe even slightly earlier than that. The hard trance side was more or less replaced by hardstyle and I hate hardstyle passionately. Always have. I moved decisively back to my trance after that.

Agree that it is, or was, the least pretentious music scene around. There was an inbuilt sense of humour. I used to worship the Tidy Boys for that.
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I agree with above posts. Our group were not cyber at all but welcomed, we also went to the gay friendly hardhouse nights around Manchester, where hardhouse was quite big and no-one bothered us. People were friendly, more or less every party was going off. We did the first few Tidy weekenders and they are still the most messy nights I've attended

Coincidentally Lashes is playing in Burnley on Friday night and some of us are going for nostalgia purposes 8)
It is a horrible racket but it sounds good off your chops at 7am and its the least pretentious music scene there is.

Fell out of World Unknown into a club down the road in Brixton that stayed open till 10am playing Hard House well into Saturday morning last year. Minimarc may remember the struggle ;). Blooming 'eck it was an ear-splitting reminder - and full of French .. which was fine but strange. Was very unpretentious though 'tis true. The parking ticket when I came out was the final straw though .. never again. It was the 2nd time I'd wound up there - it's amazing what you'll settle for when you're trying to work off booze and there's no other clubs open !
Fell out of World Unknown into a club down the road in Brixton that stayed open till 10am playing Hard House well into Saturday morning last year. Minimarc may remember the struggle ;). Blooming 'eck it was an ear-splitting reminder - and full of French .. which was fine but strange. Was very unpretentious though 'tis true. The parking ticket when I came out was the final straw though .. never again. It was the 2nd time I'd wound up there - it's amazing what you'll settle for when you're trying to work off booze and there's no other clubs open !
I'd say gabber & hardcore is.

i used to go to a good few gabber / hardcore/hardstyle nights and the people into their gabber (in glasgow anyway), very down to earth.

Also true, hardcore ravers are generally off their nuts.