Hangover Club

Only just recovered from Thursday - friend I hadn't seen in years arrived to stay overnight with a mutual colleague before being best man at a wedding at the weekend. Had planned on a beer or 2....

Fortunately I had stowed the car in a free office car park... until 9am Friday that was ... Remember beers in at least 4 pubs before ending up in a cocktail bar shooting rounds, starting with very evil zombies. Our mutual friend invited the barman to whip up endless creations of his choice :)roll:) until kick-out time.

After a taxi home I must have realized I'd never make it back to the car park by 9am and had somehow made my way there. Of course I didn't drive .. just woke up asleep in the car at 6am with the radio flickering and a dead battery, on CCTV :oops:. Was absolutely mullered. Had to wait 'till 9 to get ajump start & my car driven home for me :eek:. Thank heavens it's only every few years :lol:.
Loft => Ministry => Work... powering on through. (cos I'm 'ardcore ;))

Performing well but signs of junkie behaviour beginning to show. Max strength coffee has brought on shakes, twitches and sweats.
putting us to shame there rob thats a good effort. im flailing around starting to feel faint. resembling a big girls blouse currently
Aaah - the small matter that I did the entire thing stone cold sober might have something to do with it. ;)
Boozing from lunchtime friday, Hair of the dog saturday afternoon, fabric till 8 sunday:eek: rest of sunday spent in bed watching come dine with me, and other such quality programing!

Was it worth it .....HELL YEAH:D Tales of Us in room 3 were great! followed by pedro in room 1!

Roll on this weekend for Jones, Daze and Simko!

Then the week after space and DC10 closings!

just managed first bit of food in 24hrs and now feeling pretty sick. next half an hour could get messy

Alkaseltzer XS + Redbull + Zantac + Dioralyte + Yakult/Actimel :arrow: eating again properly inside 3 hours... well, if needs must ;)
UGH am literally rotting from the inside out today. Having to concentrate on an important task and can barely focus.

Doom filled Monday - messages of support gratefully received.
UGH am literally rotting from the inside out today. Having to concentrate on an important task and can barely focus.

Doom filled Monday - messages of support gratefully received.

Yes indeed .... After abstaining all Friday and Saturday nights, blew it by making a little detour to wet myself at Fabric last night. Vodka rot, redbull shakes and an air of sheepish guilt that's following me about like a cloud... :oops:
I had an absolute skinful Saturday night at our footy club Xmas party, so yesterday's few seem little in comparison. Don't feel too bad and I had such a great time suburban wandering with the missus yesterday, it would be worth a hangover.

Just a think though and the few was in fact 6 pints and 2 bottles, so that's probably more than a few. Was over 7 hours though.
Feeling slightly better after a good feed. Funny lunch time moment. Cute boy serving us brings my food and I notice a slightly Crowley-esque tattoo.

I commented on it and he suddenly started volunteering all this information. Apparently he had a stroke when he was a little boy and when he was in a coma he was abducted by a troupe of aliens who gave him loads of universal secrets. He works with them now apparently.

I calmly held the space and ate my burger.