Halloween Weekend Plans

Friday - packing

Saturday - playing footy if my injury appears sorted at training tonight. Saturday night have a friend's birthday drinks with lots of old friends, but trying to stay sober for Sunday.

Sunday - moving house. Bittersweet emotions. Nice to be moving our two bed rented flat into my four bed house, but not so nice to be heading back to the suburbs from West London. I've grown used to walking to nice pubs and strolling alond the Grand Union canal with the missus. Needs must though, the house needs some work on the roof so the tenants needed shifting. I can't really justify the £2k/month rent on the flat while the house is empty, so back we must go.
Saturday - White Night in Brighton, lots of cool stuff going on across the city http://www.whitenightnuitblanche.com/

Sunday - 20+ mile hill walk on the South Downs for mountain climbing training - oh how my Sundays have changed :oops::lol:

Saturday - sounds 8)

Sunday - no comment:D If you are currently into hills, why not plan a weekend trip oop north to do the Three Peaks? It is an absolutely fantastic walk, and as taxing as you make it.
Friday - packing

Saturday - playing footy if my injury appears sorted at training tonight. Saturday night have a friend's birthday drinks with lots of old friends, but trying to stay sober for Sunday.

Sunday - moving house. Bittersweet emotions. Nice to be moving our two bed rented flat into my four bed house, but not so nice to be heading back to the suburbs from West London. I've grown used to walking to nice pubs and strolling alond the Grand Union canal with the missus. Needs must though, the house needs some work on the roof so the tenants needed shifting. I can't really justify the £2k/month rent on the flat while the house is empty, so back we must go.

We all have to grow up sometimes :lol::lol:

I have started and its quite nice :p
Friday ~ it's my birthday ;) London Yoga Show all day Yey! And tonite still undecided, either a tantra workshop or out for dinner or both!

Saturday ~ house party, joint birthday bash with my best mate ;) can't wait for this!

Sunday ~ mega clear up and chill out! Followed by take away! Haha as will not be bothered to cook by then!

Wishing you all a great weekend ;) xxx
Not alot tonight, gym probably, then chillax 8)

Saturday - Wohoooo Halloween house party in Bury St Edmonds- love it :D mega excited for this, esp as i have designed my outfit all from scratch (pics on fb after weekend) corpse bride but with a twist ;) :D

Sunday - Recovery breakfast with my siblings and partners then the 2 hour drive home then pissibly feel sorry for myself for the rest of the day, oh and the much welcome once a week from my bf - 2 months to go and hes home :D

i wish you yanks would keep your sh*t to yourself.


Halloween is an important British festie, arguably the most important on the Pagan calandar.

Though if you've been brainwashed by the bible brigade like most folks in this country you wouldn't get that bit. :p
Oooh nice one.

Hooked on this stuff too! 8)


Ya hooked on tantra? Who's Yr teacher? Where u go for classes/workshops? :)
The workshop I was thinking of going to on Friday was with Geho in London, but it was cancelled.