Halloween Weekend Plans


Mid-week hump officially passed... just over 2 work days left until the fun begins. :D

Some plans already laid bare in Kimajy's "if you could travel anywhere for a party like I can, where would you go" thread :lol: but some might not be doing the Halloween thing.

Friday - Flying to Minsk with my mate to celebrate his birthday. Going clubbing.

Saturday - Walking around town, nice dinner at Grand Cafe (probably best French restaurant I've been to in Eastern Europe :!:), More clubbing.

Sunday - Pull head together, check out of hotel, lunch at a traditional Belarusian restaurant in the old town. Fly home.
Was considering Trade's 21st but my immune system is fully booked with alternative plans it seems.
Having a chilled-ish one after Fabric's marathon birthday on Sunday / Monday.

Staying in with a curry and film on Friday night

Out for a friend's engagement drinks on Saturday night. Must resist the urge to go clubbing / get smashed and head home at a reasonable hour!

Sunday - seeing my Nan then having a roast with da fam :p
yeah - ridiculously run down. ulcer on tongue the size of a friggin golf ball. have been rendered temporarily mute. :rolleyes: :lol:
Friday: Dinner and drinks with my Brother and his girlfriend.

Saturday: Taking my lovely wife out for her birthday

Sunday: Nothing much planned as yet.
Saturday - going to Ayr races for a colleague's 50th. Never been to the races before, so should be fun. It's more about the drinking than the cuddies and the betting.

Sunday - my birthday! Meeting a mate in Glasgow for drinks/dinner, then we're off to see Lykke Li.

Monday - booked as a holiday 8)
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Fri : Pilates - aka" lying around" as Phil calls it :spank:

Sat: weather looks good so day trip and food then maybe pop off to M.A.N.D.Y but not sure if I can really be arsed - will see how the day pans out..

Sun: visit the 'rents and read the papers and cook a sunday roast....

so cant be arsed to do anything these days... :evil:
Yeah i still have weekend injuries including randomly placed pains and ulcers too. Also Wallet took an absolute hammering so thankyou Fabric!

This weekend will consist of precisely zero
Marc I dare not look at my bank account after last Fabric weekend either!

Im VERY tempted for Joris Voorn 7 hour set on saturday though 8)
yeah - ridiculously run down. ulcer on tongue the size of a friggin golf ball. have been rendered temporarily mute. :rolleyes: :lol:

Probably need some antibiotics, a tonne of blueberries and a tube of Bonjela .. sometimes happens when tongues discover new forests ... ? :idea: Couldn't you make a feature of it at Trade using a Halloween theme ?
Ame at Plastic People on Friday night then off to Ibiza for a week on Sunday.

Going to try to make it up for this too as sitting on a ticket.

Unfortunately have had to bin my trip to Madrid for Fabrik on Saturday and Ibiza on Sunday for 3 days.. what's happened to the air fares right now ? It's about £200 - £350 one way to get back to London early from Madrid on Sunday (p... o.. !). I have to be in UK Monday daytime so the whole thing's yet another write-off.

Might go to Drumcode (as Mulletover is sold out) on Saturday night instead

or either Crucifix Lane or Fuse's Halloween do on Sunday if I can be arsed, seeing as it looks as if I am stuck in UK for the w/end.