Hacienda na xamena


Does anyone know what the approximate prices are for the rooms late June? We want to stay there for 2 or 3 nights on our honeymoon and imagining it to be a small fortune we want to start saving the extra now!
I know I can do that but I wanted to see if anyone had stayed there and what the price includes etc rather than asking people that actually work for the hotel :)
i see you need to find SeldomSeenKid

asked them they are going in 6 weeks time.not sure how you find there id on spotlight.put the name of hotel in search section top right of page.see what comes up.i know i have been helping them with info over past few weeks.

or better still just copy name in section search.your see it then.then private mail them.click on name on left side boxes come down.
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"love" na xamena ;) :twisted:
some years ago stayed in a house around the corner from the hotel.

b4 going there i thought it must be amazing on a clifftop at the end of the world.
and i expected a nice fresh breeze at night from the sea -
but actually it´s so ****ing ridiculous humid there at night that in case you forget
some clothes on the terrace your stuff is so wet in the morning as if it had rained all night .
then we had very annoying aggressive mosquitos there.
ffs couldn´t see any of them bastards at day -
then found out that they all sleep IN the aircon :idea:

went to the hotel on different occasions (bar/dinner/room with pool)
because friends stayed there ...
so thank F i was invited so didn´t had to care about prices :p

watch that hill at night - can be tricky if you want to break the worldrecord
for fastest ride on the top in the morninghours after a long disconite :o:o :twisted:
Haha :) after my July/August trip this year and having 46 bites counted on my right leg alone on the second or third day I won't be travelling anywhere without industrial mosquito repellant anyway! Humidity and bugs aside would you suggest it for a couple of nights honeymoon before heading to a hotel closer to the nightlife for the rest of the week or do you think it would be a major waste of money? It's the view that's attracting me if anything I doubt we would eat too much lol
... having 46 bites counted on my right leg alone on the second or third day
I won't be travelling anywhere without industrial mosquito repellant anyway! ...

omg ... agree - here the proof :arrow:
http://www.spotlight-forums.com/showpost.php?p=1271713&postcount=9 :twisted:

... would you suggest it for a couple of nights honeymoon ...

no doubt staying there is amazing,
but 2 or 3 days/nights are enough,
afterwards this :arrow:
.... before heading to a hotel closer to the nightlife for the rest of the week ...

... It's the view that's attracting me ...
yes that view is mindblowing ... on the first days -
but you get used to this kind of luxury very very fast :twisted:

The pool at the Hotel Na Xamena among the best in the world

R.D. | 22/08/2012
The hotel price comparison website trivago.es presented
the ranking of the ten hotels that offer the most amazing pools internationally,
based on the opinions of travelers.

At number eight is the swimming pool of the Hotel Hacienda Na Xamena in Sant Miquel,
the only spanish establishment that has entered the top ten of the website.

The pool is located on a cliff about 180 feet high.
The hotel is surrounded by an enviable natural environment and integrates seamlessly
into the landscape. It has several pools to enjoy the magnificent views and an outdoor spa
with several waterfalls that give the impression of falling into the sea ...
Hotel HACIENDA NA XAMENA polluting the sea :?: :!: :o 8O


PSOE-Pacte complaint wastewater discharges at na Xamena
Hoses out of the back of a popular hotel in the area

R.L. | Eivissa | 29/08/2012
The municipal group-Pacte PSOE Sant Joan de Labritja asked the mayor to investigate
the dumping of sewage into the sea in the na Xamena,
where there is a well-known hotel establishment

The progressive spokesperson in the Consistory, Jose Luis Rodriguez, has received
numerous complaints from fishermen and sailors, who have long observed
that wastewater discharged causing a greenish stain on the rocks and in the sea
On the rocks two pipes down to the sea and one of them is clearly seen pouring water.
Rodriguez himself was in the area yesterday and found that it is water that "smells bad
and is likely to be contaminanted."

'Know if the City Council is aware of the installation of these pipes and these discharges,
so we asked the mayor, Antonio Mari, Ratchet, who investigate and take action, "...

Protected Area
Jose Luis Rodriguez recalled that the mayor is also vice president of the Consell,
so that you have more ability to act to control these things.
"It's unbelievable that a facility can afford and in a protected area like no one is Amunts act,
neither the Council nor the Consell and the demarcation of Costas' he explained.

PSOE spokesman recalled that is Amunts Pacte are some of the natural areas preserved
best values ​​on the island, so that they can not afford aggression "of any kind".

"Both the land area, which has already suffered destruction by fire, as the marine,
who also suffers contamination, must be protected to the fullest
," said Rodriguez ..



One of the pipes that go down the rocks to the sea.

... investigate the origin of this spill, but according to his version, "can only come Hacienda Hotel,
since it is the only property that area. "
... the sea two hoses, one of which is clearly seen pouring water dirty and smelly.
"The spill caused a greenish stain on the rocks and sea water looks dirty.
It causes a very strong smell, this is an environmental crime
, "...

He said he had received numerous complaints about this situation that he considered criminal,
for damage that can cause to the marine environment.
The complaints came from one part of a group of canoeists who have recently visited the area
and other fishermen who maintain that this release is not new, but has been going on for years
and insist on the need to eliminate it.


not only the hotel but some of the villas at the cliff have these suspicious pipes !
Sounds like the Govt need to install some infrastructure up there ! That hotel has been around for decades so goodness knows how long this has been going on :!:
Sounds like the Govt need to install some infrastructure up there ! That hotel has been around for decades so goodness knows how long this has been going on :!:

Its not the only place doing it. Cala Tarida had the same problem plus countless more we dont know about.

The small Island can only support so many people. The ecological problems that 6 million tourists are leaving behind them every year, is something that seriously needs to be addressed, before the Island sinks with waste. :(
at a rough guess i'd say 70% of ibiza doesn't have infrastructure. mains water, drains, electricity etc. it would be a major project costing millions to supply these basic services to the stone age parts of the island
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... The ecological problems ... is something that seriously needs to be addressed,
before the Island sinks with waste. :(

8O :o 8O

... Según explicó el primer edil, todavía no se ha podido comprobar si es el hotel el que vierte
al mar con unas mangueras estas aguas residuales, pero en todo caso se averiguará si es así.
Marí también lamentó el «afán de protagonismo» del portavoz de la oposición,
José Luis Rodríguez, porque consideró que lo «más lógico» hubiera sido que se hubiera
dirigido al Ayuntamiento y no a la prensa para denunciar este asunto


wtf :!::?: ... he´s "not amused" that the press got involved :spank:
Sorry only just seen this. We're not stopping there due to no availability on the dates I wanted, grrr. We are however going for a half day and having couples outdoor massage, use of the cascadas (those incredible saltwater pools with little waterfalls that hug the cliff egde) and lunch which is about 300 euros. Quite pricey I guess but a bit of a one-off experience.
They do a 1 night offer with spa access and a dinner which is from 360 euros and a room with jacuzzi and sea view.
I've found them super helpful actually, they've communicated very well so I would just contact them direct with your dates and budget, that's what I did and they sent me a list of possibilities.